Riot Games Details Plans for Upcoming League of Legends Skins and Events

Riot Games’ continued focus on thematic skins and events for League of Legends in 2020 has proven quite successful. Mecha Kingdoms, Spirit Blossom, and the ongoing PsyOps event are all new thematics in League of Legends and have all been received well by players. Wanting to keep that positive energy going, Riot’s now shared some of its plans for the rest of 2020, detailing what’s been successful so far and how it’ll build on that success in League of Legends going forward.

Starting with skins, Riot revisited its plan to increase overall skin output in 2020. Its initial goal for 2020 was to increase skin output from 100 to 120 skins and so far, despite obstacles related to the pandemic, Riot’s delivered. In fact, Riot’s doing so well that it might hit 140 skins before the end of 2020. Riot’s also delivered skins for champions that don’t typically receive them. It’s even so happy with the sales of those skins that it’s adding more 9 more champions to the list, including Anivia, Azir, Singed, Zac, and more.

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As for thematic skin releases, Riot repeats that Mecha Kingdoms, Spirit Blossom, and PsyOps were all made with the idea of creating “character fantasies that have real substance.” Riot notes that Spirit Blossom, in particular, was well-received. New thematics, as well as old ones updated with new ideas, will continue going into 2021. There’s also one new thematic planned for 2020. A teaser image shows what looks like Sentai/Power Rangers-esque colored daggers.

Riot goes on to touch on several other areas, including evaluating how Event Passes work in 2021, explaining that the Spirit Blossom event took over a year to make and can’t be done often, and that a new Ultimate Skin is being worked on for release later this year. As ever, Riot has increasingly big plans for League of Legends and 2020 has hopefully delivered on that expectation. That said, 2021 will hopefully be even better.

League of Legends is available now on PC.

MORE: League of Legends: 10 Champions Who Deserve An Ultimate Skin


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