New BioShock Game Should ‘Steal’ Resident Evil 2’s Best Feature

Last year, players saw the return of Resident Evil 2 fully remade from the ground up with the help of Capcom’s new RE Engine. This remake was received by critics and consumers alike with overwhelmingly positive reviews, with some players considering it a milestone for not only survival horror games but remakes as well. And while there are likely many games that will release over the coming years that will be inspired by Resident Evil 2, there is one game that could heavily benefit from the inspiration.

Currently, there’s very little known about the upcoming BioShock game (commonly referred to as BioShock 4). In truth, the most recent information players have found came via a few job listings back in August. The job listings themselves seem to imply that BioShock 4 is currently in development for next-gen consoles with a new setting besides Rapture or Columbia. And while it’s likely players won’t see BioShock 4 for several years, the team at Cloud Chamber could stand to steal one of Resident Evil 2‘s biggest features.

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One of the constant antagonistic forces that Resident Evil 2 players must face is the insidious Mr. X. The large, looming Tyrant constantly stalks either Leon or Claire throughout their time in Raccoon City, with very few tactics the player can employ to deter him. To make matters even worse, Mr. X isn’t some one-off monster that can be defeated by pumping enough ammunition into his person. Instead of dying, he’s only momentarily stunned, giving players enough time to make a daring escape, even though they know their business with the giant is far from over.

Mr. X is likely seen by many in the gaming community as a terrifying force to deal with. With dark lit hallways abound and plenty of suspenseful ambiance, Mr. X only serves to heighten this experience by making players dread every step they take within the Raccoon City Police Department building. And this is why Cloud Chamber should steal this idea, and apply it to the Big Daddies of BioShock.

BioShock has flirted with this idea a bit in the past. Over the course of the BioShock trilogy, players have come to know various powerful entities that are incredibly difficult to deal with during their time in Rapture or Columbia. However, the Big Daddies, Big Sisters, and Song Bird have always taken a more protective role, and often won’t confront the player unless they decide to mess with over their various charges. Players don’t even actually have a direct confrontation with Song Bird and near the end of the game fight alongside it.

A confrontational and evolving enemy that is constantly stalking the player could help Cloud Chamber bring suspense back to the BioShock formula. The feeling of stress and uncertainty as a Big Daddy with thudding footsteps that echo through the tight hallways of a Rapture-like environment contrasting against the dulcet tones of an old radio could help revitalize the sensations players felt when they first stepped into that lighthouse.

While it’s likely that BioShock 4 will be set in an entirely new setting rather than Rapture or Columbia, it’s not exactly certain as to which game the sequel will be modeled after. While BioShock Infinite certainly has its moments of suspense and jump scares, most players would likely agree that the original BioShock is a lot closer to that of a survival horror experience. If Cloud Chamber elects to return to the more atmospherically tense tone of the original BioShock, having a Big Daddy-like figure with the tenacity of Mr. X could leave players with a haunting experience whether by land, sea, or air.

BioShock 4 is currently in development.

MORE: 10 Action RPGs To Play If You Like BioShock


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