How Will The COG Affect Gears 6’s Story? | Game Rant

The story for the final entry in the latest Gears of War trilogy, Gears 6, has several factors that will likely come into play. It seems clear that the game will revolve around Kait, Marcus, Baird, and either JD or Del as they journey forth to end the conflict between the humans and The Swarm. And while this seems to set up The Swarm as the main antagonistic force for Gears 6, the past two games have subtly set the stage for another faction that appears to have their goals aligned with the protagonists, but might have ulterior motives.

The Coalition of Ordered Governments, also known as The COG, appear to almost have had a tonal shift from the original trilogy of Gears of War games. In Gears of War 3, there seemed to be an air of camaraderie amongst The COG forces in the aftermath of Gears of War 2‘s sinking of Jacinto. The COG no longer seemed like governing body with a military equipped to deal with The Locust and Lambent threats; rather, it had a feeling of desperate yet good people that needed to band together with whatever was at their disposal in order to save their world from annihilation.

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This seems to stand in direct contrast with how The New COG has established itself as in both Gears 4 and Gears 5. While The New COG initially been a giving and altruistic form of governing body while under First Minister Anya Stroud, the tone shifted upon her passing and Mina Jinn took her place. And over the course of the previous two Gears games, The COG have become almost a secondary antagonist to players as they play out Kait’s story.

When it comes to The COG’s involvement in Gears 6, it will largely depend on First Minister Jinn’s role within the story. Jinn’s previous actions seem to imply that she adheres to the philosophy of “the end justifies the means,” making her a ruthless force for players to combat in the Gears series.

While there were still holdouts that were reluctant to The New COG, Anya Stroud worked as First Minister to change the public’s perception to that of a caring governing body. However, this changed when she passed away and Jinn was elected as the next First Minister. She demonstrated overreach as a public official by ordering Baird to construct DeeBees as a sort of police force, rather than their original intention as construction units. This led to many protests by the surrounding Settlements, fearing a totalitarian version of The COG.

This fear bubbled over when Jinn had JD and Del order the DeeBees to open fire on civilians in an event known as the Settlement Two Protest Massacre. And while this led to JD and Del deserting before the events of Gears of War 4, it seems to establish that Jinn will do anything to maintain what she believes to be unity within The COG.

Near the end of Gears 5, Jinn attempts to arrest Kait in an attempt to link her back to The Swarm Hivemind. Jinn believes that by doing this, Kait could usurp Reyna and control The Swarm forces. While it’s currently unknown whether she wants Kait to do this as a means of stopping The Swarm from attacking more or if she wishes to use The Swarm for her own gains, it seems likely that Jinn will attempt some sort of similar maneuver in Gears 6. It seems that despite Jinn sometimes showing that she is unsure what the right choice is, ultimately, she will believe her methods are the best and attempt to interfere with Delta Squad.

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This interference could manifest itself in several forms over the course of Gears 6. The option that seems the most obvious would be the deployment of DeeBees in a seeming attempt to force Kait to join Jinn or die. While normal DeeBees likely wouldn’t be something for players to worry about, it’s been shown in Gears 5 that The Swarm has evolved to a point where they can infect the robotic soldiers creating Rejects. So while Jinn may think DeeBees will win the day for her and The COG, in reality this could be reinforcing The Swarm forces and making it much tougher for Delta Squad to finish the fight.

First Lt. Fahz Chutani was introduced in Gears 5 as an arrogant yet loyal COG soldier and partner to JD Fenix following JD’s change of heart after the Hammer of Dawn accident. While he initially appeared as though he might be an enemy of Kait and Del’s quest, he eventually became a reliable squad mate (with some help from JD) by the time players rolled credits on Gears 5.

Fahz seems to be in a unique spot in Gears 6 depending on the choices players had to make in Gears 5. Players had to make the choice of saving JD or Del from Reyna near the end of the last game. Considering Fahz only became allies with the members of Delta Squad thanks to JD’s encouragement, Fahz might return to his old ways of being a loyal, order-following COG soldier in Gears 6 if JD isn’t there to encourage him to stick with Delta. This would likely have him following orders from Jinn and put him in an antagonistic light.

While details of Gears 6‘s story are still under wraps, it seems that The COG will be a force that Kait and the rest of Delta Squad will clash with just as much as The Swarm. Despite the main threat to life on Sera being The Swarm, this human infighting will likely cause Kait to have an incredibly difficult time in accomplishing the goal of vanquishing her mother and saving the world.

Gears 6 is rumored to be in development.

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