Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods – 10 Things You Need To Know Before Playing

When Doom Eternal roared onto PCs and consoles in 2020, it immediately established itself as one of the highest-rated games of the year. With some great new games coming up, the developers have decided to remind their players that they aren’t finished unleashing Hell (literally) from the top of the podium. The Ancient Gods Part One released with more music, upgrades, enemies, and maps than originally predicted.

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This content is considered downloadable, though it could easily be labeled as an expansion. With all of the heart-pounding excitement offered in Doom Eternal, studious gamers that have yet to purchase or play the game should know the following crucial details about The Ancient Gods Part One before continuing the Slayer’s journey. Properly preparing before committing to a gaming session enhances the experience and this list hopes to aid in that process.

10 How To Get It

There is an intellectual element when pondering how to acquire The Ancient Gods Part One. Saying, “Just buy it!” is the easy answer, but for some players, it is the wrong answer and could possibly set back the gamer some hard-earned bucks.

Players with the Deluxe Edition will get it for free, as will owners of the console version of the Xbox Ultimate Game Pass. PC Game Pass owners should exercise a little patience; Microsoft has announced that the Game and this DLC will be coming to the pass before 2020 is over.

9 The Patches

Early reviews by some well-respected journalists noted that The Ancient Gods Part One was a fine game, but they had buggy problems with enemies that didn’t spawn and several of them noted frequent issues with the Slayer falling through the world floor.

Not to worry, Doom Eternal mods do a lot of cool things, but they won’t be required before playing this content, the patches were available the very day of purchase and gamers happily report a smooth technical experience.

8 Keeping Progress

Gamers are rightfully nervous when their favorite game introduces new content. Sure, there is an appropriate joy of coming back and revisiting an old favorite, but all too often, these new modes do not take into account all of the work that went into the base product.

The DLC remembers the old save data and will give players access to all of their sweet rune combinations, weapon mods, Praetor suit upgrades, and lore entries. There is no noticeable loss in inventory and equipment when starting off.

7 Storyline Until Now

Many of those unresolved plot holes at the end of Doom Eternal are thankfully addressed in The Ancient Gods Part One. Any players thinking that it’s just another Doom game to rip and tear through are going to be very confused by the story.

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Even if skipping out on Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, gamers should get well acquainted with the plot up the point of this downloadable content. The Ancient Gods Part One invokes the characters and locations from the franchise in a very meaningful way.

6 Game Time

One factor before playing any game is wondering exactly how much time it will take. Some players are looking for a longer journey to maximize value for their money. Others are looking for a quick game to binge on a day or two off.

The Ancient Gods Part One falls into the latter camp. The total duration clocks in at about three hours on easier modes and six hours for those who want to practice their tips and tricks on the ultra-nightmare difficulty.

5 Difficulty

Bad news. The Ancient Gods Part One is one of the few FPS games harder than Doom Eternal itself. That means that players who try to start this without playing through the campaign will be destroyed mercilessly, even on easier difficulties.

This downloadable content has some live streamers unable to complete the very first map on anything except the lowest difficulty and they still find themselves in long death spirals during some of the more dynamic encounters because of the new enemies.

4 Weapon Mods

The game doesn’t say this, but two weapon mods go from handy to required. The Ancient Gods Part One introduces a slew of new demons, one of which can only be destroyed with the Microwave Beam from the Plasma Rifle, so using the mods that increase the range and charge rate will help.

Two more difficult enemies require being shot in a very specific location. The only weapon capable of this kind of sniper precision is the alternate fire on the Heavy Cannon. Mods that increase mobility and load time will be of valuable assistance.

3 Graphics And Music

Even true fans of the game will admit there is a lot of room for improvement with Doom Eternal. With new team acquisitions and a new composer, players cut back on demanding The Ancient Gods Part One will make these improvements and got nervous that the game might regress.

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Delightfully, the map and enemy design are phenomenal, with even more variety and fidelity than the base game. Nobody can outright replace musician Mick Gordon, but Andrew Hulshult does an incredible job as he delivers some brand new teeth-rattling jams to the soundtrack.

2 New Stuff

This should come as a welcome new frontier for completionists, The Ancient Gods Part One has a whole trove of new secrets to be discovered, adding replay value and platform challenges to those who are looking for that 100% achievement to show off to fellow gamers.

Even for those only interested in the practical upgrades, there are three new support runes and a couple of new gadgets to use. Progression is happily continued from the end of the Doom Eternal and it looks like that trend will continue after the next big update.

1 To Be Continued

Occasionally, games, movies, books, and other media will label a product as “Part One” and what they mean is that this is a stand-alone installation with a full story arc that will be revisited later on. Doom Eternal owners could easily see The Ancient Gods Part One as simply “Part One” of the planned DLC.

This is absolutely not the case. This is only one part of a game in the truest sense, even throwing players a huge “To Be Continued” label at the very end. It’s a cliffhanger in both plot and level design. Players will be anticipating where the story does and what locations the Slayer will be required to go after a run-through of The Ancient Gods Part One.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Love Doom Eternal


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