Costume Contest: Which Gary Oldman Role Has the Best Costume?

Despite most events being cancelled this year, people can still show off their spookiest looks via online costume contests. However, there’s only one entirely fictional Halloween contest that truly matters: Gary Oldman’s Halloween Costume Contest. That’s right, Gary Oldmen (that’s the plural of Oldman) from around the universe have gathered to duke it out this All Hallow’s Eve and determine the winner of the title of Best Costumed Gary Oldman.But who is Gary Oldman? Born in 1958, Gary Oldman’s an actor who has a career that’s so alive and kicking it would be hard to consider him an old man in anything but name (qualifying for early bird specials does not make a person old, just frugal and punctual). 

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However, taking a closer look at Oldman’s film credits might surprise the average viewer as they’ve probably seen more of his movies than they originally realized. He has had roles in so many major motion pictures and transformed his appearance so drastically at times that one could compare him to a chameleon or master of espionage. Or a highly skilled trick-or treater. Anyway, here are the contenders for Best Costumed Gary Oldman:


Anyone expecting Gary Oldman to actually look old might be taken aback once they see this little sex pistol. While his earliest acting credits are mostly in theater productions, Sid and Nancy saw Oldman take on a complete punk transformation. Only time will tell if this costume rocks hard enough to earn the top spot.

To Gary Oldman, or not to Gary Oldman, is it even a question? Here we see Gary Oldman take on Shakespearean garb in his portrayal of the character Rosencrantz. This is the first of many times audiences would see Oldman in a role that looked entirely different from that which preceded it. Hopefully this Gary Oldman can keep his iambic pentameter long enough to win the whole contest.

Just when audiences think they might know what to expect from Gary Oldman, he goes and throws a gosh dang curveball. Just look at Bram Stoker’s Dracula, where Oldman transforms not once but twice as the classic vampire Dracula (three times if you consider the fact he also can transform into a bat!). While this Gary Oldman may have a thirst for blood, the jury is still out on whether or not he’ll taste victory. 

There’s always that person at a Halloween party who wears an inappropriate or outdated costume. This Gary Oldman dressed up as Drexl Spivey from True Romance is that person. In a role that screams of 90’s sensibilities, Drexl Spivey is a white man who thinks he’s African-American. This Gary Oldman should have just stayed home. Steer clear of this dreadlock-wearing, gold-toothed Jack Sparrow wannabe if seen lurking near the punch bowl.


Though the Gary Oldman character Zorg from The Fifth Element and Invader Zim have almost nothing in common or any connection plotwise, they do have a couple of ways in which they are alike. For one, they both have alien names. The second thing in common is their ability to fit in at their local Hot Topic, bless that wacky comb-over. A person can’t be blamed for not even realizing that’s Gary Oldman in a costume at first glance, especially with Zorg’s futuristic southern drawl. 

(*Cues AC/DC Guitar Riff)Get ready, because this Gary Oldman is back in black. Sirius Black, that is. This costume contest better be prepared for one great big Uncle of a contestant, as Gary Oldman transforms entirely once more into a gruff, velvet coat wearing wizard. It turns out that when Sirius Black is off screen he’s actually attending Gary Oldman costume contests on the other side of the wizarding universe. For the time being, victory in this contest is the main (hor)crux of the matter.

Audiences have seen a punk Gary Oldman, a racially confused Gary Oldman, and now they’ll see an honest and hard-working father and police commissioner Gary Oldman. In a trilogy that loved to bathe scenes in dark lighting and deep grays, Commissioner Gordon dared to defy the standard color palette with his mastery of green and olive shaded coats. Without Batman to back him up can this Gary Oldman still win the day?

Need anything be said about this costume? From the prosthetic work to the immaculate wardrobe it would be nigh impossible for the average person to look at this movie with no prior knowledge and immediately know that Gary Oldman is the star of it. Will this Gary Oldman stand triumphant next to a church upon a hill, or will this be his darkest hour?

MORE: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Underrated Comics Costumes They Need To Release As DLC


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