ZTE 5G cloud XR coordination application in CRRC Digital passes Phase-2 acceptance

PARTNER FEATURE: The 5G Cloud XR Collaboration Application has recently applied in train manufacturing and operation which was jointly developed by ZTE and CMCC Nanjing Branch and Jiangsu CRRC Digital Technology Co., Ltd., passed phase-2 acceptance.

5G Cloud XR Collaboration Application provides CRRC Puzhen with new models and new industries in the fields of multi-person remote collaborative R&D, remote diagnosis, remote operation and maintenance. And it has been an important part of the full life cycle smart train solution. 5G cloud XR collaboration application is an important part of the full life cycle smart train solution.

The smart train solution collect and store the data of train manufacturing, maintenance, and operation monitoring etc. based on the digital trains model, and mine and analyze the data through mechanism models and related algorithms, implement full-lifecycle intelligent management of trains. The smart train solution complete connection with the intelligent O&M system of trains by information technology, AR/VR interaction technology, 5G and edge computing technology, to achieve efficient information transfer between the related rail owners about O&M and to accelerate transformation in smart operation field.


Figure 1 Train Intelligent O& system


Figure 2 Compartment Disassembly AR display

Next, ZTE XRExplore-based cloud XR collaborative application will be fully deployed and put into commercial use in CRRC Puzhen Park.

In addition to industrial collaboration, ZTE also works together with Telecom Operators and industry partners to successfully implement end-to-end 5G cloud XR solutions and products for such industries as education, training and travel.

[1] https://www.mobileworldlive.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/z2-2.png
[2] https://www.mobileworldlive.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/z3-2.png


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