Apex Legends Season 7 Trailer Reveals New Olympus Map Gameplay

Fans of Respawn Entertainment’s popular battle royale, Apex Legends, have been on the edge of their seats awaiting news following the release of the Season 7 trailer. Season 7, subtitled Ascension, will see the introduction of a new legend with Dr. Mary Somers (better known to players as Horizon), a new vehicle called the Trident Hovercar, as well as a new map: Olympus. Now Respawn has released a new trailer for Season 7, showing players what they can expect from the Apex Games now that they have landed on the city in the clouds.

Besides the fact that Olympus is located in the sky rather than the previous more terrestrial maps, the Season 7 map looks like it will be bringing a very different experience to Apex Legends.  Olympus looks like it intends on delivering an entirely urban environment for players to fight in, which is in stark contrast to Kings Canyon which is primarily natural with very few modern-looking structures. Players can also see that while the white futuristic buildings and roads of Olympus seem be a dominant aesthetic throughout the trailer, it’s contrasted by a bright vibrant green in the city’s limited vegitation.

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The new Trident Hovercar looks like it will play a prominent role in players’ enjoyment of Olympus. The trailer shows players cruising the streets in the hovercar, and give players some ideas on potential strategies they can employ with the vehicle’s capabilities. Perhaps the most terrifying idea presented is that of Rampart deploying her beloved minigun, Sheila, on the back of the Trident as their team pursues another squad.

Apex Legends‘ new character, Horizon, also seems completely capable of handling herself when it comes to combat on Olympus. While her official abilities have not been revealed as of the time of this article, players can get a taste for the character’s potential in this trailer. It seems like Horizon’s tactical ability will deploy a gravity lift, elevating both friends and foes into the air. Her ultimate ability opens a black hole in an area, but it’s not clear at this time what the exact function of it will be.

Olympus has long been teased within Apex Legends itself. Players first caught wind of the city back in Season 5 during the game’s Broken Ghost questline. However, at that time players believed they would be traveling there for Season 6. And while Olympus isn’t arriving until November 4 with the Season 7 update, it seems like the wait has well been worth it.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One with a Switch version currently in development.

MORE: Apex Legends Steam Release Date Revealed, Switch Version Delayed


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