10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Watch Dogs: Legion

The Watch Dogs series is renowned for its inclusion of Easter eggs. More than 70 have been discovered across the first two games alone and the latest entry in the series picks up right where its predecessors left of. Watch Dogs: Legion may have only been out for a few days, but players have already found plenty of hidden Easter eggs throughout the game’s world.

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Some of these serve as nods to other Ubisoft titles, while others make reference to the history of the Watch Dogs series itself. There’s even a nice homage to a popular streamer thrown in there as well. Whilst there are no doubt plenty more that are still to be discovered, these are the best of the game’s early Easter eggs.

10 In Search Of The Syndicate

Speculation that Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs take place in the same universe has been around since the release of the very first Watch Dogs game. Many consider it be a certainty, but, as of the moment, it’s never been officially addressed. One of the Easter eggs found in Watch Dogs: Legion all but confirms it though.

This Easter egg was actually discovered many months before the game’s release when YouTuber JorRaptor stumbled upon an NPC named Sandra Cassidy. She’s a professional hitman who, according to her bio, searched for descendants of Jacob Frye. Those familiar with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will recognize this as the name of one of the game’s dual protagonists. The reference certainly makes sense given that Legion and Syndicate are both set in London.

9 Market Mastery

Anybody looking to track down descendants of the Fryes is likely working on behalf of the evil Abstergo Industries. Although traditionally found in the Assassin’s Creed series, there’s a reference to Abstergo in Watch Dog’s: Legion. What’s more, it’s hidden in plain sight.

When walking past certain branches of Quanta Bank, players can see tickerboards with the latest share prices. One of the stocks on the board belongs to Abstergo, further solidifying the link between the two games’ worlds. The board also has the latest price of Nudle shares, which series fans should recognize as one of the businesses found in Watch Dogs 2.

8 Leap Of Faith

The leap of faith is one of the most iconic elements of the Assassin’s Creed series, but it’s also possible to pull one off in Watch Dogs: Legion. During the Gap in the Armor mission, players will need to head to the roof of Hamish’s home to disarm his security system. Here, they must use the ctOS panel to gain access.

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After disarming the explosives, if the player moves to the edge of the building, they can perform a leap of faith into the river below. There’s even an eagle sound effect included too just to give it that Assassin’s Creed feel. As well as being yet another nod to the AC series, it also serves as a nice little shortcut for getting down from the roof.

7 Faith No More

Strictly speaking, there are two leaps of faith to be found in Watch Dogs: Legion. The second, however, goes to show that faith isn’t always enough. If the player heads to the Tower of London, they’ll find a wooden plinth similar to those found in Assassin’s Creed. There are also bales of hay beneath it, giving the impression that it’s intended to be jumped from. If the player takes the leap, however, they will end up dead.

Upon closer inspection, players will find a pair of red shoes and a blood splatter beneath the plinth. As well as cluing players into the leap’s misleading nature, this may also be a reference to Mirror’s Edge. The series’ main protagonist Faith Connors wears a similar pair of red shoes and her name has obvious connections with the leap of faith mechanic.

6 Eagle Flight

Assassin’s Creed references in the Watch Dogs series are nothing new, nor are references to other Ubisoft titles. In the previous game, players could download a trailer for an unreleased Ubisoft game known as Pioneer. Although the game ended up being canceled a few years later, one game that did release around that time is Eagle Flight.

It’s a VR game for PC and PlayStation 4 that allows players to see the world through the eyes of an eagle. In Watch Dogs: Legion, it’s possible to listen in on a conversation between two men playing dominoes in the park. One of them talks about his experiences with Eagle Flight, remarking that it gave him a migraine after an hour of playtime.

5 The Mistermv Mystery

Popular French streamer mistermv made a name for himself streaming Super Meat Boy, but has also streamed several Ubisoft titles in the past. As a result, the developers decided to immortalize him with not one, but two Easter eggs in Watch Dogs: Legion.

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The first comes in the form of a secret room hidden behind some foliage. Inside, players can find several nods to mistermv, including a Super Meat Boy image above the computer and the word ‘coucou’ written on the door. The latter is French for ‘hello’ and is something of a catchphrase for the Streamer.  The second is an image of the streamer with the caption ‘Shut Your Mouth,’ but, as of the time of writing, the streamer hasn’t had much luck tracking it down for himself.

4 In Need Of A Doctor

Doctor Who is one of the UK’s biggest exports and so it’s only natural that a game set in London would feature a reference to him somewhere. In Watch Dogs: Legion, one can be found in the DedSec safehouse. Given its appearance and prominent position, it’s pretty hard to miss.

Near the building’s entrance, players can find one of London’s famous blue police boxes. As fans of The Whoniverse will know, the Doctor’s Tardis is disguised as one of these boxes in the show. Rather than functioning as a time machine, however, the box found in Legion seems to have been repurposed as a computer server.

3 Defalt’s Mask

JB Markowicz, or Defalt as he’s perhaps better known, was an antagonist in the game’s DLC. Despite appearing to die during the events of Bad Blood though, references to Defalt have continued to pop up throughout the series. They do so again in Watch Dogs: Legion.

It’s possible for players to access the security system for a secret underground bunker which appears to be hosting a mannequin party set up by the deceased disc jockey. By scanning tech in the room, players can find a series of cryptic messages which suggest that Defalt is alive and well. If the player waits at the entrance until 2AM, there’s a split second where they can gain access to the party and it’s here that they can obtain Defalt’s iconic mask.

2 Skye’s Secrets

One of the game’s missions has players investigate some of Skye Larson’s unethical experiments. While in her lab, it’s possible to scan each of the test subjects, and doing so provides the player with several fragments of binary code. Once put together and translated, the full message reads ‘Jared thanks you for digging.’

It’s not exactly clear who Jared is, but, given that no significant character by that name exists in the world of Watch Dogs, it seems likely that he is one of the development team. This isn’t the first time that a Watch Dogs Easter egg has used binary code to relay a message either. In Watch Dogs 2, one of the game’s hats uses binary to reference the release date of the original game.

1 Frivolous Flat Cap

Messages on hats are becoming something of a tradition for the series, it seems. Those who enjoy character customization will probably have already stumbled upon the QR code flat cap. It can be purchased for 780 ETO and sports a QR Code on the top. Anybody expecting it to lead to some super hidden secret though will likely find themselves bitterly disappointed.

Those who take the time to assemble an image of the QR code will be taken to Ubisoft’s home page. Given the time and effort it takes to do this and the numerous other Easter eggs hidden throughout the game, it’s both surprising and disappointing that there wasn’t more of a pay off to this one.

NEXT: 10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Star Wars: Squadrons


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