The 10 Biggest Fixes Watch Dogs: Legion Needs | Game Rant

After being pushed back quite a few months, Watch Dogs: Legion has finally released to the masses. The game relies on its ability to recruit any and all NPCs that the player can see throughout a not-so-distant future version of London. Despite the lack of a central main character, Ubisoft still miraculously put together a solid story that’s mixed with good gameplay.

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However, all giant open-world games come with loads of technical problems and gameplay choices that may not be great. Unfortunately, Legion is no different in those regards. Not all of the problems are game-breaking, but even the smallest problems can be a huge hindrance to the player. So what absolutely NEEDS to be changed in Watch Dogs: Legion?

10 Corrupted Save File

A problem that has been reported by a number of Watch Dogs: Legion players is that failing to properly exit the game could result in a corrupted save file. This might lead to hours of game time being wiped out, a consequence that could put off players from jumping back into Legion‘s London.

Ubisoft has confirmed that a patch is forthcoming that should fix the issue. Until then, players must dedicate the extra time to properly exit Watch Dogs: Legion.

9 Un-pausing Cutscenes

It’s never known when a gamer will have to take a break, but the game should always take this into account to make sure they can always come back to what they were doing. When a player pauses a game, regardless of what’s happening on the screen, most games will pause and have a button dedicated to un-pausing.

Watch Dogs: Legion has this function like most other games in existence, but only for actual gameplay. After pausing during the cutscenes, players can just press any button on the controller to resume, causing loads of accidental un-pausing. Watch Dogs could easily change this to make only the resume button un-pause cutscenes.

8 Counter Animations

Fist fighting is extremely common, with the game literally telling players to always fight before resorting to a gun. The combat in Watch Dogs: Legion is your standard punch, dodge, and counter techniques of which Legion doesn’t innovate whatsoever. This wouldn’t be as bad if the counter animation each recruit does wasn’t so unique to them.

Seemingly every recruit has a new animation to counter someone, but if players use the same character for too long, that gets stale very quickly. This could easily be changed by just adding a pool of animations to each character to really make the hand-to-hand combat a little fresher.

7 Frequent Crashes

It’s very well known that games in the new modern era are massive and messy under the hood. Players always expect glitches, bugs, and the occasional lagging out or crashing, but Watch Dogs: Legion has a ton of crashing issues. Many players can expect to have the game crash on them at least once a day.

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In its current state, the game will run fine for an extended amount of time, freeze randomly, and then back out of the application entirely. This issue is more common on the Xbox One. Patches are in the works for many bugs and issues, crashing surely being one of them, but currently playing the game always comes with a sense of anxiety of the dreaded crash.

6 Getting Money

Throughout the game, players will receive money for pretty much every mission and action they do. Getting rewarded is great, but the rewards for doing so are a bit measly. Parcel Fox, the Uber-style delivery service that’s actually a great idea, is meant as a way to make some extra cash between missions.

The pay for doing these deliveries and other little jobs or side missions usually is about 100-200 Eto (in-game currency). If players want to customize all of their recruits’ outfits, with each item usually requiring between 400-1000 Eto, it will take some serious and unnecessary grinding.

5 Audio Logs

A good game is judged on how well they some extra bit of storytelling, with audio logs being commonly used. In the Bioshock series, for instance, audio logs are hidden throughout the world and give an added layer of depth that many story-driven games need while most importantly playing in the background.

Watch Dogs: Legion incorporates these audio files as well but requires the player to stay in a paused state within a menu listening to someone talk. These files are usually 2+ minutes long and are accompanied by a text log of the audio as well, but they can’t be listened to outside of this menu.

4 Emotes

Being able to express your character in humorous ways with emotes is usually done with other real people in online games. Online gameplay for this Watch Dogs is still in development and won’t be ready until December, so many probably wouldn’t expect the single-player campaign to allow the user to emote.

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In Legion, the player can dance, curse, make peace, dance, and greet the thousands of NPCs on the streets of London. The problem is that no matter what emote the user sends at a passerby, the NPC barely even reacts. Players can tell a pedestrian to “bug off” and they will hardly do more than turn their head in question as they walk off into the distance.

3 “Press Button ‘A'”

Upon opening the game for the first time, talk-to-text is enabled by default. This is no problem whatsoever because if players don’t need it then they can just turn it off after getting into the main menu. However, accompanying the opening of the game is that slightly terrifying robotic voice telling you to “Press Button ‘A’.”

This happens every single time you start the game whether text-to-talk is on or off. It makes for a very chilling experience when booting the game up in the dead of night.

2 Physics Engine Woes

Issues with in-game physics seem to be the number one problem giant open-world games have. Games like Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas, and plenty of others have had their fair share of woes when trying to coexist with gravity in a virtual world. Despite essentially being a next-generation game, unfortunately, Watch Dogs: Legion is no different.

When running into a light pole sometimes the pole will be obliterated and other times the pole will obliterate the driver. A ramp is down the end of a road, but before it is a curb that sends the player off in the other direction. These problems are rampant within Legion but will hopefully be taken care of in future patches.

1 Stupid A.I.

Watch Dogs: Legion thrives on its ability to allow players to recruit any and all NPCs to the DedSec team. Players will complete a small bite-sized mission in order to get them on their side. But are the NPCs really worthy of an elite hacking resistance such as DedSec?

Gamers can observe the people walking into sides of buildings, witness them wandering in circles up and down the sidewalk, and they might even get punched in the face for no reason other than standing there. Now the game has launched, hopefully, Ubisoft has more time to make things a bit smoother.

NEXT: Watch Dogs: Legion – 10 Tips For Playing With Permadeath Active


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