Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips For Ms. Marvel Players | Game Rant

While fans of Marvel’s Avengers eagerly await new content that will hopefully salvage the dwindling player base, there’s always time to improve your performance with your favorite character and establish yourself as the strongest Avenger.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips For Captain America Players

One of the great things about this game is how unique and fun each character feels when you lay the smackdown with them on some AIM minions. Ms. Marvel is debatably the best crowd control character in the game and this list will help all of you Kamala-users capitalize on that.

10 Whirlwind of Destruction

Take note right now: Whirlwind is a staple Ms. Marvel move that should be used often and without mercy. You can perform this move both while Polymorphed and while Embiggened, you just have to monitor your intrinsic meter.

Like Kratos’ chains in God of War, Kamala swings her arms around like two wrecking balls and clears everything around her with ease. Not only effective on multiple targets, Kamala can also use this move on large single targets for big damage. It’s not flashy, but Whirlwind gets the job done.

9 Aerial Advantage

Able to stretch her arms, Kamala has the unique ability of being able to inflict melee damage on enemies without being directly in their face like the Hulk has to be. This allows players to leap in the air and strike enemies below them while avoiding their attacks at the same time.

It’s a nifty trick that makes Kamala even more resilient than she already is. The best way to exploit this is to use Kamala’s Hammer Fist move followed up by Fists of Justice, hitting hard damage and raising the stun meter.

8 Limited Range Ability

Similar to Thor, Kamala doesn’t have great ranged attacks. Her standard Whip Fist isn’t all that strong and if you miss (as seen in the picture above) it leaves Kamala wide open for a counter-attack.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers: The 10 Best Hulk Outfits In The Game, Ranked

Her more advanced ranged attacks, like Crushing Grasp and Nutcracker, aren’t as powerful as they look unless you invest heavily in Kamala’s ranged rating, which isn’t advised considering how effective she is as a melee-based fighter. The tip here for players is to be cautious using ranged attacks and don’t get over-reliant on them.

7 Ranged Concussive

Working off the above entry, using ranged attacks like Whip Fist is necessary at times in combat. So, to make taking out enemies like drones easier for Kamala-players, we suggest using the ranged specialization “Concussive Mastery”.

This will add a small stunning explosion when Whip Fist makes contact, allowing Kamala to inflict damage on multiple targets at once with this attack. When being faced with multiple drones or other aerial enemies, having this specialization is very handy.

6 Smart Aggressiveness

Not all characters are built the same in Marvel’s Avengers and it’s not always advisable to just run into the heat of battle depending on who you’re using.

That said, because of her ability to heal herself combined with the long reach that all of her attacks have, Kamala can be quite effective as an aggressive brawler as long as you’re playing smart and not just mashing attacking buttons over and over. Being able to heal isn’t a replacement for actively avoiding enemy attacks.

5 Double-Barrel Catapult

In addition to Whirlwind, another staple move for Ms. Marvel that players should use often is her Double Barrel Punch-Catapualt Kick heavy attack combo.

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This double move inflicts incredibly high damage and can also be performed fairly fast, making it a very effective attack to use. It’s great against both multiple and single targets. Don’t sleep on this simple, but strong move.

4 Assault Heroic – Too Slow

A necessary addition to Kamala’s Assault Heroic “High Five” is its “Too Slow” specialization. This adds a large explosion at the point of impact of the Assault Heroic, improving an already powerful attack.

The explosion produced by Too Slow is massive and easily clears weaker mobs of enemies both on the ground and in the air. When entering a room that spawns a group of drones or other aerial enemies, using High Five with Too Slow is a fast way to deal with them.

3 Still Vulnerable When Using Embiggen

A very important tip for Marvel’s Avengers players is that you’re not invincible while Embiggened with Kamala. That is the case with some Ultimate Heroics, like Iron Man’s Hulkbuster, but not with Ms. Marvel.

Although you’re extremely hard to kill while Embiggened and it’s easy to get lost in the feeling of pure joy that comes with squashing your enemies like ants, just remember to watch that health meter when things start getting chaotic.

2 Focus Heroic And Intrinsic Orbs

Right off the bat, it should be said that if you’re new to Marvel’s Avengers, ignore this tip. When you’re first learning the game, it’s important to have as many health orbs available to you as possible. Once you have a better handle on the game and combat survivability, feel free to switch some of your skill perks to drop heroic and intrinsic orbs instead.

Kamala can heal herself, which allows you to invest more in heroic and intrinsic orbs that will in turn allow you to perform powerful moves more often and raise your damage output.

1 Heal Often

Already discussed in earlier entries, this ability still deserves its own tip. Kamala is the true “healer” in this game and if you’re playing as her, you will be expected to fill that role. Any effective Ms. Marvel player will need to be more active than other players, focusing on enemies and your teammates in case they need your help with a quick heal.

Although she lacks powerful weapons like Mjolnir or a shield made of vibranium, Kamala makes up for this with her ability to change the tide of a fight by healing.

NEXT: Marvel’s Avengers: The 10 Best Thor Outfits In The Game, Ranked


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