PS5 Players Report Download Queue Bug | Game Rant

The new console generation is here, and the PS5 launch has been big. PlayStation’s CEO has even extended a thank you to fans who waited for the release through the pre-order mix-ups and debacles.

Of course, not everything about the new console generation launch is rosy. For the most part, the PS5 seems to be hitting well with players, but some are having troubles. One of the most prominent problems emerging for many players is a download glitch. Said glitch either locks a game into download status or generates an error message, preventing players from accessing the game at all.

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More specifically, the bug begins with the digital download of a full game onto the PS5. At some point, the game either reads as downloading indefinitely, or gives an error message. From there, the game appears as purchased in the game library, but not in the storefront. The download cannot be cancelled or redownloaded; it essentially ceases to exist or be accessible to the player. While not as dire as the reports coming in of dying PS5s, it is still a worryingly consistent problem.

As of this article, Sony has not offered an official explanation or solution for the bug. However, some players have come across a fairly consistent solution, but it’s not a fun one. According to reports, a complete factory reset of the PS5 clears up the bug and lets the games download correctly. That’s a lot to put up with for a download, but if it works consistently, it’s arguably quite worth it. Sony has been active with advice on the PS5 so far, providing tips to avoid overheating and such. In all likelihood, it’s only a matter of time before this bug is officially addressed.

Of course, this is not the only problem plaguing the PS5. As mentioned before, some players are discovering their PS5s already dead. One of these is YouTuber ACG, who received his PS5 early and had it die on him early. The reasons behind these shutdowns is unclear, but probably not tied to the download errors. Both issues must be addressed sooner rather than later.

Sony is not the only company having problems with its newly released console. Many players are claiming their Xbox Series X consoles are shutting down randomly. Interestingly, both the Xbox and PS5 download problems seem to be centered around next-gen games. Why is unclear as of this article, as is any possible connection.

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Source: IGN


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