Disney Reveals Current Subscriber Numbers for Disney+ | Game Rant

The Walt Disney Company has recently revealed its fourth quarter earnings report, which has offered up some interesting new numbers on exactly how well they’ve been doing in the streaming wars. As it turns out, while their services haven’t quite hit Netflix numbers, they’re a real contender, and well on their way to evening the odds. According to the report, Disney+ is at about 73.7 million subscribers, Hulu has 36.6, and ESPN+ adds about 10.3.

All three services showed growth during the quarter as well. Hulu gained a million subscribers, and ESPN+ added two million, while Disney+ blew both out of the water with a sum of 16.2 million new subs. CEO Bob Chapek announced that the company was quite happy with the figures: “Our direct-to-consumer business is key to the future of our company, and on this anniversary of the launch of Disney+ we’re pleased to report that, as of the end of the fourth quarter, the service had more than 73 million paid subscribers — far surpassing our expectations in just its first year.”

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This news all comes shortly after the one year anniversary of the service, showcasing an impressive rate of growth. A lot of that likely has to do with the impressive catalogue that Disney has amassed in recent years, including the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is easily one of the biggest franchises in modern cinema, and perhaps of all time. That said, adding up all three services gets you to about 120.6 million subscribers, which is a little less than two thirds of Netflix’s staggering 195 million global subscribers. It would seem that Netflix’s pioneering of streaming has given them a head start that will be hard to overcome, even for a giant like Disney.

That hasn’t deterred them, however, and Disney+ continues to add more and more content with each passing month. Just recently the latest season of The Mandalorian began hitting the service, which was easily one of the most talked about exclusives for Disney+. The company has also announced that they intend to release more premium offerings like Mulan in the future, as well as offering Pixar’s Soul for free on launch day. Though it has been a difficult time for the film industry, it seems Disney+ may be the path forward for the company’s releases, and there’s no sign of the service losing steam any time soon.

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Source: Collider 



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