10 Craziest Things You Can Do In Crusader Kings 3 | Game Rant

Grand strategy is all about the choices available to the player, but it is rarely as simple as flipping a coin to decide the outcome. When ruling a county, duchy, kingdom, or empire, there are a tremendous amount of variables that one needs to consider before making any sort of move.

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Sometimes a calculated gambit is what should be done. Other times, the forging of an alliance with a neighboring nation. Or maybe executing and eating the pope. In Crusader Kings 3, players have such a variety of decisions that outlandish ones can be legitimate goals during a conquest. With such complexity, the amount of insane tactics players can perform seem nearly endless.

10 Have Dinner And A Show

Reddit user Zak7062 was such a huge fan of ritualistic cannibalism in CK3 that they knew from the start that they wanted to eat the pope. Setting goals for oneself as a ruler can allow one to keep all their actions in perspective. From slaughtering all those between Scandinavia and Rome to a holy justification for the delicious deeds done, it is important to remember what matters: doing whatever one wants. It’s good to be king.

9 Create A Dynasty Of Scaly Albino Giants

Sadly, unlike in Crusader Kings 2, one cannot play as a race besides humans. But there is an alternative if one’s ruler can collect the correct congenital traits via carefully selected marriages and some luck with childbirth. It is possible to have a baby with the albino, giant, and scaly traits that will make them huge, pale, and have skin like a serpent. Such aspects will decrease the opinions of small-minded courtiers and lowly peasants, but with the dread bonus one gets from these traits, few will dare oppose the player’s decisions. Furthermore, these qualities have a chance of being passed down, potentially creating an entire dynasty of intimidating nobility.

8 Live Out Dreams Of Being A Viking

Sure, there are other games that let people be a Viking from a first-person perspective, but to control a horde of raiders armed with axes and long-ships, all one needs to do is start as a Scandinavian country. With the possibility to start during the golden era of Odin-worshippers, players can set forth upon the cold seas and pillage to their heart’s desire. With the coin gained, they can then build up their forces and lands to increase raiding power and efficiency. With the right strategies, one can make all of Europe cower in fear.

7 Let It All Hang Out

Religion is a complex and detailed mechanic that players can use to their advantage… or just have fun with. Every religion has different aspects that rulers can customize by spending piety. One such aspect is tenets, and there is a great deal of them to choose from.

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The tenet known as ‘Natural Primitivism’ is one that focuses heavily upon humankind’s connection to nature and rejects many aspects of civilization. Including clothes. If one wants to be wild and free, consider acquiring this religious tenet. With the right plays, one can spread this low-stress religion to their entire nation.

6 Re-Write History

An aspect all history buffs will enjoy about CK3 is the ability to reshape history as one desires. Nothing is set in stone as the various nations of the world vie for global supremacy, though things don’t always happen as they did in real life. The AI in the game is equality at the mercy of the tremendous amount of variables at work. For example, there are playthroughs when the mighty Genghis Khan conquers all of Asia and much of Europe, but other times he doesn’t even make it past Mongolian borders due to getting stomped by China, India, or even by the player themselves. There are few things more satisfying than besting a legendary conqueror with one’s own conquests.

5 Solve Problems With Subterfuge

Besides military might and dedicated diplomacy, there are other ways to “solve problems”. For opposing rulers, or annoying individuals, who cannot be bested by combat or debate, there is always the option to straight-up assassinate them. Scheming and plotting can do a great number of things like abduction, torture, and blackmail, but the most efficient way to get rid of a threat is to sometimes slip a viper between someone’s bedsheets.

4 Name Nations Anything

In addition to being able to manipulate history as one desires, there are also many opportunities to re-brand the world. With enough influence, one’s dynasty can become the ruled nation’s appellation, thereby allowing the player’s surname to become a place’s name.

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There are a few ways to change a nation’s name, but essentially this allows gamers to label the globe as they desire. Want to rule Atlantis? Done. Looking to conquer Camelot? That is possible. Feel like banishing all obese courtiers to a county called Burger King? “Have it your way”.

3 Inheritance Power Play

Inheritance is a crucial component that all players need to take into consideration. Every time the current ruler dies, the player then begins to play as that ruler’s heir. Messy successions can be a pain to deal with, but clean, planned ones can be a thing of beauty. For example, marrying one’s child to a foreign emperor can result in a grandchild that stands to inherit both that emperor’s lands as well as the players. But disinheriting the current heir can lead to this grandchild being the next in line as the new heir. Following this, all one needs to do is let the current ruler die and take control of the grandchild who now has control over two nations and all the titles that come with it.

2 Steam-Roll Enemies With War Elephants

War elephants are a heavy cavalry unit in the game that boasts the best damage stat. They are expensive and don’t do well in all landscapes, but they more than makeup for it during battles. Literally doing twice as much damage as the next most powerful unit (heavy horse cavalry), they are a force to be reckoned with and can grant the player an undeniable military advantage. With the right economy, one could support an entire army of these behemoths. A sight that would not only make the player’s opponents tremble but the very ground as well.

1 Become The Pope

Catholicism, in general, is usually a safe bet for a CK3 playthrough as there are many alliances to be had and crusades to be called. The pope, being the head of the religion, has a great deal of power to direct the devout to do as they wish by holy proclamation. A very over-powered position with more pros than cons, becoming the leader of the papacy can be an ideal place to find oneself in. Just be wary of ritualistic cannibals.

NEXT: Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule


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