Fallout 76: 10 Best Items To Sell From Vending Machines

Making money is a constant concern in Fallout 76, and player-owned vending machines are a great solution to this problem. With the right items in the right location (and the right prices) a player can rake in thousands of caps per day on this semi-passive business model.

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While it’s commonly just used to offload things the player doesn’t want, for those who truly want to milk the profits it pays to know what’s selling. This commonly depends on who’s in the area and what’s in demand, but there are some things that generally sell really well.

10 Special Junk

Special Junk can be defined as those items that have no real practical purpose in the game but are rare or unique enough to encourage collection or outright hoarding. They can be colorful, strange, funny, or unique items that don’t appear very often in the game.

A good example of something players can sell would be Teddy Bears. There are eleven different variants available in the game. Players looking to round out their collection or have an obsession are more than happy to use caps to get the Teddy Fear variant they’ve spent so much time looking for.

9 Magazines

Magazines provide helpful temporary buffs to give players greater damage, Rad resistance, healing, and other effects. Often times these items can be used to give the player the edge they need to overcome a difficult enemy or farm more efficiently.

Because of this magazines sold in high combat areas can often fly off the shelves. Of course, sourcing them is going to take some time, but it’s a great way to make some spare caps if the player isn’t interested in the effect or has duplicates. There are also over a hundred different copies to collect.

8 Mutation Serums

Mutations are another way players can tweak and modify their character’s abilities to gain more power. There are 18 different mutations that can give players an advantage in practically any area of the game, from combat to food consumption.

Selling Mutation Serums requires a significant upfront investment as they can cost up to 23 thousand caps apiece. But for the player with the Hard Bargain perk and a high Charisma to nudge the prices down it can still be profitable to sell at or slightly below standard prices.

7 Disease Cures

The wasteland is a filthy place and seemingly everything can infect players with a foul disease that inconveniently messes with their stats. Many players will become diseased from fighting diseased creatures or eating bad food out of desperation.

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Disease Cures can be a great item to sell so players can remove the diseases affecting their characters. Granted some players will simply let the clock run out on the disease and deal with it, but odds are anyone with the spare cash is more than happy to buy a Cure and get rid of it.

6 Stimpaks

For players that want to monetize their crafting, Stimpaks can be a great way to make some money. These items are always in high demand as the average player will be engaging in combat and will lose some health.

Having a vending machine near high combat areas will almost guarantee Stimpaks will fly off the shelves at the right price. Sourcing ingredients to make product in bulk can be tricky, and a few select perks are necessary to truly get the most out of it — but it’s very lucrative to those who figure it out.

5 Recipes

Like the entrepreneurs who sold shovels during the Gold Rush, players can make their fortunes selling Recipes. These items enable players to craft everything from Squirrel On A Stick to Stimpaks. Some Recipes are sold by MODUS and others appear randomly in coolers.

The most valuable recipes are those that appear exclusively during events. Players who accumulate a few of these with no intention of using them can flip them after the events conclude and supply dwindles for a major profit.

4 Outfits

Everyone needs clothes, and as such outfits are often a great item to sell in Fallout 76. Which outfits will sell is an entirely different story and one the player will need to puzzle out on their own.

Generally speaking, armor does well near combat zones and fashionable outfits do well in peaceful C.A.M.P.s. Power Armor is also a solid choice but sourcing pieces and determining the right price can be tricky. A safe bet is Underarmor with helpful modifications.

3 Plans

Plans are the blueprints used to build everything from weapons to C.A.M.P. items. Lots of players will craft and sell items or produce their own ammo for their convenience. Players with plans can make a mint selling them to these DIYers in areas rich with materials.

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What sells well entirely depends on the area, but plans related to one-use items are a sure bet. Plans related to hard to find items or those reserved for special events are some serious money makers.

2 Legendary Weapons

Obtaining legendary weapons is a common goal for the average player. The right weapon can make boss runs, quests, and farming immensely easier. As a result, legendary weapons are always in demand and can sell for quite a bit.

Players can establish farming routines and sell off the legendaries they aren’t interested in to players who are unable or unwilling to do the same level of farming. Popular weapons in the meta with the right modifiers will always have a buyer and can net the player quite a few caps in a vending machine. As a last resort, selling unpopular legendaries can still net a sizable windfall in bulk since they can be traded in for scrip.

1 Ammo

Perhaps the single best type of item to sell in a vending machine is ammo. Players who use ranged weapons will burn through ammo, and that’s a population that constitutes just about everyone. Wise players will happily spend more on nearby ammo over losing time traveling to a merchant to get it slightly cheaper, which presents a golden opportunity for players with vending machines.

Ammo related to meta weapons will always sell best, 5.56 and shotgun shells are always in demand, and fusion cells will move fairly often. The player may not have high profit margins compared to other items, but ammo turns over very quickly and can lead to healthy sales over time for those who can keep an area supplied with enough.

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