10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Yakuza: Like A Dragon

There are a number of quests for players to tackle in Yakuza: Like A Dragon. The world is full of NPCs who need help and special challenges for cool prizes, fun gameplay, and interesting perks. In fact, it’s in the player’s best interest to seek out these side quests to enhance their character.

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Among the dozens and dozens of optional quests players can do are some interesting substories. Some of these unlock useful shops, fun minigames, and contain the most interesting fights in the entire game. Here are some of the best side quests that players will need to discover.

10 One Man’s Trash

This quest is discovered by finding the pile of trash on Misaki St. Returning to that spot after a period of time will result in the player finding two men to interact with. After some dialogue the player can agree to help the store owner deal with the trash and the man who created it, Gomi.

After defeating Gomi in a fight he’ll agree to clean up the space and reopen the shop. This allows the player to access Benten Pawn, a handy shop where players can unload non-valuable items for money. The player is also rewarded with the Flame Amulet.

9 Welcome To Dragon Kart

On the northside of Yokohama in Hamakita Park is a building called Dragon Kart. Inside is a Go-Kart racing minigame that the player can compete in. Due to the difficulty of later races and some being locked behind certain Chapters it’s recommended to complete Chapter 15.

This opens up all of the races and gives player sufficient seed money to have the best Kart to compete in the Grand Prix. It’s a fun and addictive series of side quests that players will want to sink a lot of time into.

8 The Rocket Girls

After completing the Pegasus Cup players will be challenged to race against Ai and Matsuko, the Rocket Girls. The race takes place on the Explosion Boulevard track with fog and explosive barrels. The barrels are dangerous as two hits will knock the player out of the race.

It’s a fun side challenge as it’s a race with teeth. Winning the race will reward the player with 300 Rings to put in their Kart and the Rapid Phantom becomes available to buy. The Rapid Phantom is easily the best Kart in the game and one the player will want in future Kart-based Side Quests.

7 Biker Blitz

After defeating the Rocket Girls the player will be challenged to race against Akira. This track is the Sky Highway with fog on the road. It’s a challenging race and players will need take advantage of every powerup and boost available.

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Having the Rapid Phantom maxed out is a major help to completing this side quest. If the player manages to traverse the track quickly enough to beat Akira they’ll be rewarded with 300 Rings and move on to the next Side Quest.

6 One Hell Of A Racer

Defeating Akira and completing Chapter 15 will allow the player to challenge Jin. This time the player races on the Winding Cross track with fog.

Surprisingly for being one of the higher-ranked races, Jin uses a very slow Kart. In fact, with a maxed-out Rapid Phantom and using boosts the player shouldn’t have any trouble staying ahead of Jin and winning the race.

5 The World Is My Racetrack

The final side quest in the Dragon Kart area has the player challenging the owner of Dragon Kart, the Dragon Fighter. Unlike Jin he’s a fast racer with a fantastic Kart. Due to this the player will want a maxed out Rapid Phantom and to race aggressively.

Boosts, jumps, and healing rings will all be needed to stay ahead of this fierce competitor. There is also a lightning power that can save the player’s bacon if he does manage to get in the lead. It’s a tough slog to win, but doing so gives the players 500 Rings, the ability to buy the Rising Dragon kart and the coveted Pop The Cork trophy.

4 Ringleader Roundup: Bear Blues

On the west side of Hamakita Park is a man handing out flyers regarding a circus that has appeared on the east side of the park. In a bizarre twist this circus has a special side quest for the player to complete, fighting a bear.

The bear is level 29 and resists physical attacks, but has a weakness to fire. If the player manages to defeat the bear in combat they’ll receive the Chief’s Towel and move on to the next fight.

3 Ringleader Roundup: Tiger Takeover

The second fight in this strange fight club challenges the player to defeat a tiger. It fights very similar to the tiger encountered during the events of the main story. In fact, the same strategy of fighting with fire and guns works well in this encounter.

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It’s highly recommend the player fight the story tiger first to gain that experience or this fight might be a little annoying. After defeating the tiger the player will be rewarded with the Medal of Honor. The next fight will become available.

2 Ringleader Roundup: Chimp Calamity

The final fight in the Ringleader death match is by far the best. After interacting with some construction workers the player will find themselves facing off against a chimpanzee. But this monkey will be fighting from inside a construction loader.

The machine is resistant to gun and knife attacks, but it is weak to electricity. Defeating this wannabe Caesar will end the Ringleader line of side quests. It will also reward the player with the Doll of Torment and make Clare-chan hirable at Ichiban Confections.

1 Whispers Of The Underworld

Perhaps the best side quest in the game is Whispers of the Underworld. To start this quest players will need to have a Confidence of four and interact with a man standing by the river west of Kinka Pharmacy. This will take the player to an underground casino with various gambling games available to play.

Speaking with Iroha will initiate a test where the player must fight three opponents. Successfully doing so will give the player access to the arms dealer who has some interesting wares to offer. The player will also have Chau Ka Long as a Poundmate.

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