Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends – How To Build The Best Ronin

Ronin serve a special place in keeping the party alive in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. While they possess some combat-centric abilities, it’s undeniable they function best as awesome healers capable of keeping everyone around them alive.

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Building the perfect Ronin can be a bit challenging for players new to the game or switching away from the more aggressive roles. For players wanting to know how to get the most out of this warrior, there are a few crucial things to keep in mind with regards to the build.

10 Low-Level Distraction

At lower levels the Ronin is meant to serve as a distraction. They’re tasked with keeping the enemy occupied while teammates pick them off. While this isn’t the ultimate fate of the Ronin it is important to keep in mind while building at lower levels.

The player will want gear designed to keep the Ronin alive and help them crowd control opponents via staggering. The Ronin will feel weak at these levels, but it does get better with time and is merely a bump in the road to greatness.

9 Mid Level Support

In the mid-levels Ronin becomes a support class capable of healing allies and shifting the tides of battle. The player will still need to work as a distraction depending on the skills they have access to and get their hands dirty a lot.

But they also need to focus on healing others when it becomes available. The player will also start to learn the importance of Resolve for the Ronin and look at gear to help feed the hunger. The key here is to be adaptive and serve the needs of the team.

8 End Game Healing Powerhouse

Ronin at higher levels are incredible healers capable of bringing allies back from the brink and turning a potential loss into a victory. The Ronin build at this stage must become obsessed with keeping allies healed and alive at all times.

Resolve is incredibly important and all gear should focus on keeping those reserves topped off while keeping the Ronin alive. Allies will take care of the enemy and the Ronin will take care of the allies. Any crowd control or alternative support only occurs if no one needs healing.

7 Spirit Animal Vs Healing Incense

Ronin has two class abilities to choose from depending on their level. Spirit Animal summons a canine friend to the battlefield. While they do have combat abilities they lack the staying power and teeth to be anything other than a distraction.

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Healing Incense drops a small pot on the ground that heals allies in its vicinity. Which one to pick is simple, as soon as Healing Incense is available it should become the default. Spirit Animal is only really useful when it’s the only option available, come level 10 it should be traded out.

6 Perk 1 Options

There are three options for the first Perk slot. Enhanced Ghost Weapons increases Ghost Weapon damage by 50%. Weakening Burst debuffs enemy damage by 25% and their protections by 25%. Ronin Unleashed decreases Class Ability cooldown by 15%.

The best perk is Ronin Unleashed to maximize healing if Healing Incense is available. Weakening Burst is the next best for buffing allies’ efforts as a support. Enhanced Ghost Weapons is only used if it’s the only option.

5 Perk 2 Options

Perk 2 has three choices for the Ronin. Staggering Imposition increases the Stagger damage done by 15%. Resolve Increase increases max resolve by one. Quick Regen increases healing received and health regen by 50%.

Ideally, Resolve Increase should be the priority as it allows the Ronin to use abilities more often. Quick Regen may work if there’s another healer on the team or the Ronin keeps dying. Staggering Imposition really only works if the Ronin is fighting which should only be at lower levels.

4 Perk 3 Options

There are three things to choose for Perk 3. Soothing Breath causes the ultimate ability to also heal over time for eight seconds. Fire Breath causes the ultimate to deal fire damage to all enemies nearby. Legendary increase the number of Legendaries the Ronin can equip by one.

Soothing Breath is by far the best choice for the added healing when reviving allies. Fire Breath is a solid choice if the Ronin can keep everyone alive without having to spam the ultimate. Legendary really isn’t all that useful compared to the others.

3 Bombs Are The Weapon Of Choice

When the Ronin is healing allies they should be engaging in combat with bombs. They are the only role that gains access to bombs right away and they should exploit it. Bombs are ranged weapons that allow the Ronin to stay out of trouble.

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Sticky Bombs are useful for this as they can target specific enemies and stun them to let allies mop them up. Black Powder Bombs are invaluable for fighting the Oni as it sets them on fire. When not healing the Ronin should be lobbing bombs to soften the enemy and crowd control.

2 Defense Charms Are Ideal

Ronins should be laden with Defense Charms. Because the Ronin is prioritizing keeping others healed and on their feet, they’ll likely take a few hits. Having some staying power is key to shrugging off these hits.

If the Ronin goes down, the entire group goes down. This is especially true on higher difficulties like Nightmare Survival. So the player should dedicate as many Charms as possible to giving the Ronin resiliency and better tanking abilities.

1 Swords Don’t Matter

When the Ronin has the right Perks and Class Abilities, the sword becomes all but irrelevant. Most of the time a Ronin will be healing. When not healing they’ll be lending support through Perks or crowd control measures with bombs.

There is little call for Ronin to wade into battle with a sword so the player is free to pick whatever they want. Some fans believe the Masamune’s Edge is the best choice for a Ronin, but it really doesn’t matter when it comes to the ideal build.

NEXT: Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends – How To Build The Best Samurai


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