Samsung tailors YouTube to foldable form factor

Samsung addressed a key challenge around foldable smartphones with an update to the YouTube app for its Galaxy Z Flip [1], optimising the service for the device’s form factor.

In a statement, the South Korean manufacturer highlighted how users can watch YouTube videos hands-free due to the smartphone’s clamshell body. This is enhanced with the update which will enable a new viewing option called Flex mode.

When opening the YouTube app, it will split into a pair of four-inch screens, with video content displayed on top and comments or descriptions on the bottom which can be interacted with during playback.

The update also enables the app to adjust videos despite aspect ratio constraints, to ensure content can be viewed in full screen. Samsung stated this would see square and vertical videos almost fill the entire screen, while 16:9-ratio content will be shown in the centre.

Samsung made the update available on the Google Play Store yesterday (22 April).

Third-party support
The vendor explained it worked with Google engineers to redesign the YouTube app from the operating system level, with integration of the Android Support Library paving the way to offer Flex mode in third-party services.

Samsung also revealed plans to update its Galaxy smartphones with Google’s Rich Communication Services (RCS), a project two years in the making. RCS is a GSMA-backed messaging platform combining the capabilities of SMS with OTT services.



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