5 Heartbreaking Mass Effect Moments We’re Not Ready to Relive in the Legendary Collection

The return of the BioWare’s beloved Mass Effect series has fans excited for the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which will remaster all three original trilogy games. The graphics will see an immense improvement, and all previous DLC from the past titles will be available within the game at purchase. Fans have been waiting for Mass Effect Legendary Edition for quite some time, and its announcement on N7 day was all but predicted.

However, as much as fans are excited to return to the Milky Way and Commander Shepard’s story, there are certain “drawbacks” to revisiting the games. The storytelling in Mass Effect is so well done that players may dread replaying just because they know what will happen next in the story. Some heartbreaking moments in the game can be avoided, but others are inevitable, which makes them all the more devastating.

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If players fail to complete the loyalty missions and proper ship upgrades, it can only lead to disaster. The suicide mission is one of the most stressful sequences in the Mass Effect franchise, especially when it comes to selecting the proper character to execute certain tasks during the mission. Not having a character’s loyalty pretty much guarantees that they won’t survive the mission, but how they die can vary. The suicide mission is undeniably stressful, but can double as heartbreaking when players are ill-equipped for the mission.

When players meet Thane Krios, they’re introduced to the Drell alien race, but also a caring, romantic, and mysterious character. Thane can only be romanced by FemShep but, regardless, players know Thane is terminally ill not long after their introduction to him. Making the choice to romance him only makes his death that much more tragic in Mass Effect 3. If he survived the suicide mission from Mass Effect 2, Thane makes an appearance in a fight against Kai Leng where the assassin stabs him in the stomach.

Regardless of whether Shepard is male or female, they’ll visit Thane in his hospital room and talk to both him and his son, Kolyat. The romantic dialogue between FemShep and Thane is heart wrenching, but even if players are not romancing Thane, he’ll say his last prayer. As he tries to recite it, his son will take over and ask if Shepard wants to join. Toward the end of it, players may realize that the prayer wasn’t intended for Thane at all, which is confirmed by Kolyat. Thane’s dying prayer wasn’t for himself, but to ask forgiveness for the Commander.

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In Mass Effect 3, Tali can commit suicide if the Geth VI successfully uploads the Reaper code to the Geth network. After watching her people become decimated from the geth attack, players can only watch as Tali removes her mask and descends off the side of the cliff the party is standing on. Even the Paragon action to try to stop her is useless. It’s gut-wrenching.

This is one heartbreaking instance that can be avoided, but players must perfectly execute a few key items to make sure this is avoided. First, Legion must survive the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2 and players have to complete his individual mission in Mass Effect 3. Second, players must have a high enough Reputation (which is different from Paragon vs Renegade points) in order to broker peace between the geth and Quarians. If they can’t, players will have to choose between Tali or Legion/ the Geth VI. Choosing the geth will lead to Tali’s death.

Mass Effect 3 is full of heartbreak and loss, and it doesn’t get easier with model scientist Salarian Mordin Solus’ death. To cure the genophage and stop the sabotage from the Dalatrass, Mordin must be the one to ascend to the top of the tower and reverse the STG protocol. If Paragon players previously got him to sing, he will die while singing. While this is already sad, it can be even more heartbreaking if Renegade players decide to shoot Mordin before the elevator doors close. Watching a bleeding-out Mordin crawl in agony to the control panel, only to collapse and die before ever reaching, it is one of the most heartbreaking sequences possible.

Mordin’s death can be avoided, but it’s even trickier to maneuver than keeping Tali and Legion alive for peace among the Quarians and geth. It’s much more common for Mordin to die implementing the genophage cure than it is for him to live. For him to survive, players must choose to kill Wrex on Virmire in Mass Effect 1, leaving Wrex’s brother Wreav in charge of the Krogan in the later games. They must also destroy Malen’s genophage data in Mass Effect 2.

It’s never easy for a beloved series to end, especially one that elicits emotional reactions and attachments from players. Playing to the end of Mass Effect 3 is hard enough as it is, but nothing is more gut-wrenching than watching Commander Shepard and the player’s chosen love interest say goodbye before the final mission. The dialogue in each scene will depend on who has been the recipient of Shepard’s romantic affection, but fan-favorite Turian Garrus Vakarian arguably has one of the most heart wrenching conversations with FemShep. Not only is the voice acting spot on, but players will tearfully remember “there’s no Shepard without Vakarian” long after the game is over.

The Mass Effect remaster will likely deliver these heartbreaking moments, and more, in stunning detail players haven’t previously encountered before.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One in Spring 2021.

MORE: Comparing Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s Companions to Their Original


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