Bloodborne: 10 Best Methods For Farming Blood Stone Shards (& Other Upgrade Items)

When one talks about some of the best games on the PS4 that truly helped this system win the console war in a definitive fashion, then it’s only a given that Bloodborne would be an inevitable part of the conversation at some point or the other. After all, the fact of the matter is that Bloodborne is easily Hidetaka Miyazaki’s masterpiece, and anybody who likes good games with a mysterious yet excellent narrative coupled with some truly incredible combat should definitely try this game out at some point.

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Of course, Bloodborne is not an easy game by any means, and people would want to figure out how to obtain precious items like Blood Shards and the like as soon as possible. After all, it’s only items like these that’ll ensure players don’t have a hard time later down the line with some of the tougher bosses and enemies that they have to encounter.

So, in a bid to make the farming of said items easier, here are the best farming techniques to attain Blood Stone Shards and other such important upgrade items in Bloodborne.

10 Going Back From The Tomb Of Oedon Is A Great Way To Farm Blood Echoes Early On

After defeating Father Gascoigne and unlocking the Tomb of Oedon lamp, the player can easily walk back to the area with the Great Bridge where the troll sends the flaming boulder down said bridge to kill a bunch of enemies, giving all their souls to the player.

By rinsing and repeating this process, the player can quickly gather Blood Echoes early on — the lifeblood of Bloodborne that serves as experience and currency in the game. Suffice to say, a massive stock of Blood Echoes will ensure that the player faces no problems when it comes to upgrading their character and weapons.

9 Central Yharnam Is A Great Area To Stock Up On Blood Vials And Quicksilver Bullets

In fact, the starting area itself is a great place to run through over and over again if the player never wishes to face a dearth of Blood Vials and Quicksilver Bullets further down the line.

Running through this place a few times in the early game will not only help the player get a feel of things in the game, but also prevent them from having to go down the frustrating route of farming these items after losing to a boss too many times.

8 Hemwick Charnel Lane Is A Great Place To Farm Echoes Mid-Game

However, over time, the starting areas simply won’t be enough to give any substantial Echoes to the player. This is where the Hemwick Charnel Lane comes into the picture.

By beating the boss and backtracking from the area, the player can encounter numerous Executioners and — with high enough Insight — Mad Ones that drop a substantial amount of experience. Clearing out this area nets around 15000 Blood Echoes, and using the Hunter’s Bold Mark (something that the player can buy at this point) will ensure minimal downtime during this farming route.

7 The Moon And Heir Runes Are Critical To Maximize The Attainment Of Blood Echoes

Of course, if the tried-and-tested farming routes aren’t enough to satiate one’s hunger for Blood Echoes, then it’s imperative for the player to equip the Moon and Heir Runes as soon as possible.

These runes increase the total number of Blood Echoes that a player attains with each kill, making them pretty much necessary for anyone who’s tired of going down the same farming route over and over again.

6 Sell Weapons And Armor That Don’t Fit Your Build To Get A Large Number Of Blood Echoes

Players that opt for a particular build in Bloodborne should keep themselves aware of the weapons and armor that will suit their stats… and the ones that will not complement their build at all.

RELATED: Bloodborne: 10 Best Quality Build Weapons, Ranked

So, one is better off selling off certain pieces of equipment that simply won’t fit in with their build. The amount of Echoes that one can net from the sale of these items is gigantic and can help them gain a sizeable edge against their opponents sooner rather than later.

5 The Chalice Dungeons Hold A Ton Of Useful Upgrade Items

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about the best places to farm items in Bloodborne without talking about the Chalice Dungeons.

Going through these procedurally-generated dungeons might be a hard task at times, but there’s no denying that the payoff at the very end is more than worth it.

4 Farm A Ton Of Blood Stone Chunks In The DLC Areas

In the Research Hall, there are two Scurrying Beasts that the players should kill, following which they should run all the way back to the Nightmare Church to kill the Scurrying Beast there. Running back and forth will spawn the Scurrying Beast in both areas, provided that the player doesn’t trigger a loading screen.

Even an hour or so of doing this can net upwards of 150 Blood Chunks, which can prove to be quite the haul indeed.

3 Accumulate As Many Items As Possible That Help Players Gain Insight

Insight is one of the most valuable variables in the game, especially after the Insight shop is unlocked.

So, it’s better for Bloodborne players to keep as many items on their person that increase their Insight and conserve them for later use, especially since one can even buy a Blood Rock for 60 Insight as well.

2 Learning How To Kill The Winter Lanterns Will Ensure A Steady Supply Of Blood Gems

The Winter Lanterns are one of the most daunting enemies in the game, and the least taxing way of killing these involves timing a visceral attack right when the Frenzy bar hits the maximum. Doing so will help the player gain any lost HP.

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It’s a hard technique to master, but players who manage to do the same will be able to farm a ton of valuable Blood Gems that can either be equipped or sold.

1 Killing The Two Pigs In The Nightmare Of Mensis Nets A Ton Of Blood Echoes

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about farming in Bloodborne without mentioning the two multi-eyes pigs in the Nightmare of Mensis, which drop a ton of Blood Echoes.

Coming into this area with sufficient Moon and Heir runes equipped will ensure that players will never face any problems in terms of a lack o Blood Echoes.

NEXT: 5 Things We Want From Bloodborne 2 (& 5 We Don’t)



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