Civilization 6’s New Babylon DLC Breaks the Science Game

A new DLC is now available as part of Civilization 6‘s New Frontier Pass, and this time players are getting access to the Babylonian Civilization. The Babylon DLC comes with a new Leader and Civilization Ability to further shake up the game’s meta.

This time around, the Babylon Civilization is led by Hammurabi, and with this new leader, experienced Civilization 6 players could absolutely dominate any other leader in the Science game – if they can plan their moves effectively. However, if players play exceptionally smart, Babylon may also be one of the best Domination contenders out there.

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The Babylonian Civilization specializes in Science, and rewards players who can effectively plan out their turns to maximize Eureka boosts. The Babylonian Civ Ability is called Enuma Anu Enlil, and makes it so whenever Babylon achieves a Eureka for a technology, they immediately unlock that technology. However, this powerful boon comes at a cost. Babylon generates 50% LESS Science per turn, meaning if Babylon is outright purchasing a technology, it will cost significantly more than it would for any other Civilization.

Babylon’s unique building is the Palgum, a replacement for the Water Mill improvement for the City Center. By default, the Water Mill provides +1 Food, +1 Production, and +1 Food from local Bonus Resources improved by Farms. The Palgum provides +2 Food, +1 Housing, and +1 Food to all tiles adjacent to a source of Fresh Water. This is just a straight upgrade of the Water Mill and can really be a boon in the early game. Getting districts and units up quickly can help turn the tides of the early, war-riddled turns of Civilization 6, and can help widen the gap. If players pick a great spot to settle their city, they can make great use of the Palgum and get massive city growth quickly.

The Sabum Kibittum is the Babylonian Unique Unit, which does not replace another unique, but is available in the Ancient Era. The Sabum Kibittum will likely not go down as one of the best Unique Units in Civilization 6, but it has a very specific use which can help Babylon early on. The Sabum Kibittum features a strength of 17 (lower than the Warrior which has 20), but has 3 Movement (the same as the Scout) and a Sight of 3 which is the highest of any unit in this era. The Sabum Kibittum also has two unique effects: +10 Combat Strength vs. Anti-Cavalry Units and +17 Combat Strength vs. Heavy and Light Cavalry Units. While the Sabum Kibittum does less damage to standard Warriors, the bonus to Anti-Cavalry makes it an excellent choice for clearing Barbarian Outposts. It also can deal with Cavalry Units quite well if going against them early on.

Hammurabi’s Leader Ability is a bit lackluster compared to the game-changing Enuma Anu Enlil ability. Hammurabi’s unique ability is called Ninu Ilu Sirum: when Hammurabi completes construction on a Specialty District for the first time (with the exception of the Government Plaza), he instantly receives the first buildable improvement to that District for free. Upon building any non-Specialty District for the first time, Hammurabi will instead receive a free Envoy to send to a City-State. This ability can be very great early on, but once the first District is built of each kind, it is no longer relevant. Starting a Campus with a free Library, or a Holy Site with a free Shrine can be big early on to get those early Great Prophets or Great Scientists – though a Religion isn’t the biggest focus Hammurabi should be focused on. While this bonus is nice early on, it’s certainly not winning any awards for being the most powerful Leader Ability, but Babylon’s incredibly powerful Civilization Ability more than makes up for it.


So at first glance, Babylon may seem like a sure-fire pick for a Science Victory, but that would only be half-true. Babylon also is a great contender for a Domination Victory. Hammurabi requires a very intimate knowledge of Civilization 6‘s mechanics and Tech Tree. If players can meticulously plan out when and how to get Eurekas, Hammurabi will skyrocket up the Tech Tree and be a Scientific force to be reckoned with. This is what makes him not only a great Science Leader but also a great Domination Leader. With highly advanced units, Hammurabi could storm cities with ease, using canons and artillery while some Civilizations may still be using bows and catapults. It will also make the entire world a more hectic place, as Barbarians are based on the most advanced Civilization, so other Civs will be dealing with highly advanced Barbarians early on if Hammurabi can get the ball rolling.

If players want to really go for the Science Victory, they will need to really focus on getting Great Scientists, especially in the late game. Many of the Space-Age Victory requirements require Eurekas from Great Scientists or Spies, so if Hammurabi does not get the Eureka via Great Scientist (and no other Civilization is ahead of him to steal from with Spies) then he will have to brute-force learn those Techs which can take a LONG time with the -50% Science penalty, long enough for Hammurabi’s lead to diminish. This is why Domination may be a better fit for Hammurabi, or at least a safer Victory Condition (ironically).

Whether players are going for a hard Science Victory or a Science-driven Domination Victory, it’s no question that Hammurabi of Babylon is one of the most unique leaders in Civilization 6, with a playstyle that forces players to really evaluate how they approach the game. If played in the right hands, Hammurabi could earn a place among the most overpowered leaders in Civilization 6, but players will really need to be on-top of managing their actions to ensure that Eurekas are achieved. Otherwise Hammurabi will be waiting a long time to unlock some Technologies.

Civilization 6 is available for Linux, Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6 Leader Breakdown – Alexander to Gitarja


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