Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Things That Game Still Needs After Early Access

Baldur’s Gate 3 is still in its early access stage and will probably remain there for a long time yet. So here are some suggestions and awesome ideas that this game definitely needs.

Aside from a few major and a few minor bugs, Baldur’s Gate 3 seems to be a huge success. As the new aesthetically pleasing D&D based game, Baldur’s Gate 3 has gripped new players and old. Many of them are coming up with amazing new ideas and finding some absolutely brilliant bugs that will ultimately be fixed before the final version of the game is released.

RELATED: Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing

Nevertheless, a lot of fans feel like the game still needs some work and have ideas for some additions to make it more true to D&D, entertaining, and worthwhile, as well as being a pretty logical decision!

10 Stop Animals Having Weapons

In this rather unique and rare bug, many players have found that means when having a teammate with an animal companion both the player and the companion get a pretty huge advantage.

During a battle, there is sometimes an option to give that animal companion a weapon making it pretty overpowered since you now have one extra player! This isn’t a suggestion at all but something that the developers will no doubt fix in due course, no matter how funny the idea of watching Scratch the dog with a greatsword or a bow and arrow is.

9 Roleplay In Combat

This isn’t exactly something that needs changing but more something that needs adding. Especially to enhance the gameplay and make the combats all the more interesting and realistic.

Many D&D players understand the importance of talking during combats. Whether it’s shouting for someone to go to an enemy or just to give a little advice on what your next movement will be, it can be the difference between life and death. So surely a game so similar to D&D would be able to incorporate that? Allowing the players to call out to another character or display their next move could be a gamechanger.

8 Use Spells In Roleplay

With spells like thaumaturgy, friends, charm person, and more being available to spell casters, the player would assume that this could be used in dialogue situations as well as combat. After all, when an extremely uncharismatic character enters a conversation, they need as many spells as they can to succeed in persuading or intimidating!

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Baldur’s Gate 3 should add in an option to use a spell when performing dialogue so the spellcasters can play to the full advantage they would have been doing in traditional Dungeons and Dragons.

7 Better Multiplayer

One of the most frustrating parts of Baldur’s Gate 3 is the multiplayer. It can often be laggy, out of sync, and jolty if the player isn’t the host. The game seems to struggle to register moves and turns during combat and can certainly break up the flow of the game.

This is a bug that will certainly be fixed soon since it isn’t exactly subtle and many players have reported it and complained about it. Especially since restarting the game or just waiting does nothing, often taking up to 5 minutes to catch up to the end of the combat.

6 Non-Violent Problem Solving

There are a multitude of attack actions the player can perform during combat with the most popular being Shove and Cleave. But there is also one that can be extremely useful that just never seems to be worth it, Knock Unconscious. This is a move that is encouraged in certain D&D campaigns and is usually a wonderful way to question enemies or just take the pacifist route of a battle.

This is usually rewarded in D&D since they will sometimes give vital information, hand over something the player needs, or be convinced to join your party. However, this isn’t possible in Baldur’s Gate 3 with this mode being purely for flavor than any use. Many hope this will bring more into the game if expanded on and will certainly make the game a more unique experience.

5 More Classes

This is something that will undeniably be added to the final product. After all, there are 12 core classes in traditional Dungeons and Dragons, whereas only 6 have been added as of late including Rangers, Wizards, Fighter, and more. While this is completely understandable, it is something for fans of Druids, Monks, and Barbarians have to look forward to.

RELATED: Baldur’s Gate 3: Every Early Access Class, Ranked

It should be noted that there is no guarantee that all 12 classes will be added but the developers should certainly try, after all, who doesn’t want the ability to turn into a bear or a mammoth as a Druid or get 15 hits in as a Monk?

4 Other Players Should Be Allowed To Take Part In Conversations

There is nothing worse than accidentally going into a conversation with your lowest charisma character and then having to blubber your way through a persuasion check or struggle through an intimidation check while your terrifying Tiefling is looming behind you.

In typical D&D campaigns, the party will allow the strongest player to perform check like intimidation and will talk or act according to their best stats, therefore allowing them to all get through the roleplay successfully. This should be the case in Baldur’s Gate 3 since it will allow the player to think and feel a lot more involved.

3 A Hide Helm Option

It is becoming all the more common to see a “hide helm” option in MMO’s or medieval games. This should definitely be added into Balder’s Gate 3 because, while it doesn’t fit into the style of D&D, the player hasn’t spent an hour making their character perfect to just never see them under the plate armor they’ve just installed!

One of the aspects of the game that the developers pride the most is character creation. So to eliminate the effectiveness of covering the unique characters just feels pointless.

2 Descriptive Character Creation

Since character creation is so prominent in Baldur’s Gate 3, it only makes sense that a fair amount will end up changing and adapting for the better. After all, it was one of the most talked-about aspects of the game before its release. Players and fans loved creating their old D&D characters or their dream players but many found it a little disappointing at how simplistic it ended up being.

This is by no means suggesting that the actual design and selections are simplistic but more the names of the hairstyles, horn styles, and skin colors. Rather than just describing a mullet as being hair number 4, the developers should describe what will go onto the character, just to make it that much easier to navigate.

1 Add-In The Dodge Action

Shove, Cleave and Throw are all wonderful options in combat but what happens when the player can’t shoot off a spell, hit an enemy, drink a potion, or use any of these offensive actions? If this were D&D they would most likely take the Dodge action to give the enemy disadvantage on hitting. It’s perfect if you’re low on health or don’t want to waste your turn.

It should absolutely be added to the combat mechanics since many players find themselves just simply skipping their turn if they can’t hit anything rather than opting to defend themselves.

NEXT: 10 Action RPGs To Play If You Like Baldur’s Gate


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