Watch Dogs Legion: 10 Mistakes Players Don’t Realize They Make

Players of Watch Dogs might find themselves amazed with the level of detail Watch Dogs Legion gave their virtual London. However, unlike other games in the Ubisoft series, Legion also has one other feature fans love: its unique recruitment system. The open-world game now allows players to recruit and play as virtually any of the 9-million (!) NPCs in the game. This feature and Watch Dogs‘ everpresent hacking system will allow players to go wild in DedSec’s fight against CTOS.

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However, the game’s open-world nature also gives players a lot of room for error. Players who get careless with their missions end up failing them due to a myriad of uncontrollable circumstances. For players who want to pull off their missions without any mistakes, just what things should they avoid doing?

10 Don’t Waste Time On ETO

Futuristic London still can’t function without money, and that’s where ETO comes in. As with other Watch Dogs games, players can freely “hack” various individuals and objects to steal ETO to use at their own whims. And for players who want to pull off that “super hacker” look, then getting ETO for the sweet looks should be the way to go, right?

Thing is, players should avoid focusing on ETO-based Perks. For instance, Skilled Investor, Crypto Skimmer, Takedown Thief, and Loyalty Card all contribute towards maximizing ETO earnings or usage. However, players only need ETO for cosmetics – all other useful upgrades need Tech Points. Players almost always earn ETO as they hack ATMs, safes, and participate in various activities. As such, focusing on ETO will end up wasting time.

9 Don’t Neglect Verticality

Thanks to Ubisoft’s depiction of near-future London, almost all nooks and crannies of the Home of the Big Ben can be explored. In fact, players also have unprecedented access to rooftops and skyscrapers, courtesy of cranes and even the handy Cargo Drone. As such, players should always take verticality into account whenever they conduct missions or surveillance.

Players should make it a habit to do recon not just on the ground but on the skies as well. Most of the time, hard-to-access buildings will often have rooftops with guards – which indicates there’s also an access point there.

Likewise, players shouldn’t forget that aerial combat also exists – which means various flying drones can easily become a nuisance when players try to make an aerial escape.

8 Don’t Skip On Stealth

As with any other open-world game, players will always have the temptation to load a save file, get a nice set of weapons, and just wreak havoc on everything around them. Unfortunately, opting for a “guns blazing” style in Legion almost always spells certain death. Unlike in other Watch Dogs entries, security has a more active presence in this iteration of London. Most security officers have access to specialized drones that can easily outnumber an Operative if caught.

Players should keep stealth a priority at all times. As much as possible, players should use AR Shroud to hide bodies of incapacitated opponents. Likewise, it may help to recruit various uniformed personnel to make access to restricted areas much easier.

7 Don’t Forget The Numbers

Players should always remember that they can play as any of 9-million Londoners in Legion. Each of these people has different professionals and Perks, offering vastly new experiences as players switch around Operatives. Players should also remember that each of these people has relationships with different Associates. Players who do something to these people – e.g., hurt them, save them, or kill them – will affect how Associates interact with players.

RELATED: 10 Beginner Tips To Master Watch Dogs: Legion Easily

For instance, killing a character might prompt their Associate to kidnap an Operative and trigger a Revenge Mission. Likewise, saving a character might have their Associate warm up to Ded-Sec recruitment. As a rule of thumb, players should try not to kill unless necessary, as almost all NPCs may be of use in the game.

6 Don’t Settle For Less

In speaking of recruitment, players should consider not recruiting everyone they meet willy-nilly despite their initial abilities. For instance, a security officer with Uniformed Access can become a tempting choice for a recruit. However, players should consider stalking the security officer to their workplace and check out their fellow employees. Chances are, players will encounter higher-tier recruits with better Perks, such as their personal droids.

This way, players not only maximize their recruitment options, they also get to explore the immediate workspaces of these individuals. In turn, having this kind of map knowledge can help players during missions that require them to infiltrate these locations.

5 Don’t Hoard Operatives

Players only have around 40+ slots to contain the world’s 9-million NPCs – meaning players will never get to play as the majority of people they encounter. However, chances are, players will encounter specialized NPCs the further they go through Legion‘s story. For instance, players will recruit a Construction Worker at some point in the main story. In turn, players should avoid recruiting a separate Construction Worker and wait for this person instead.

Likewise, players who get special recruits across the game’s main story should probably remove the same types of Operatives from their roster to maximize space.

4 Don’t Neglect The Spiderbot

Aside from 9-million potential recruits and a ton of drones to play with, DedSec’s own Spiderbot serves as one of Legion‘s best new features. In essence, players can deploy this handy Spiderbot to get to close spaces and provide remote surveillance. However, the Spiderbot can do a ton more things depending on how players use them.

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For instance, the Spiderbot has a handy tool that allows them to incapacitate opponents by electrocuting them Alien‘s Facehugger style. Moreover, players can deploy the Spiderbot to provide supporting fire – a feature that works even if players deploy the Spiderbot on a car or Cargo Drone before driving them.

3 Don’t Forget To Hack Drones

Aside from pesky security officers, drones offer the most lethality when it comes to Watch Dogs‘ battles. After all, most drones float and take time to incapacitate much more hack. For instance, players attacking drones should wait until certain parts on their sides or back glow orange as this indicates their lethal areas. Unfortunately, Operatives will likely die while attempting this due to the number of enemies they’re facing.

In turn, players should invest in Legion‘s upgrades regarding drone hacks. That way, they can easily navigate their way out of confrontations by disabling drones or attacking their own allies. Likewise, an easy exit to evade a patrolling drone is to hack it, move it out of its working area, and force it to restart. Chances are that drone won’t return to the player’s area.

2 Don’t Ignore Taunts

Players who don’t have Operatives with Uniformed Access will have to hack through secured doors the hard way. These usually involve finding (or destroying) carefully-placed terminals near locked doors. Unfortunately, these often alert nearby guards and almost always cause trouble. However, the handy Taunt Emote can actually save the day in these circumstances.

Players who Taunt nearby NPCs will almost always provoke them into a fight. However, players who do this to guards behind closed doors will have a delightful response: they’ll actually open the door to taunt players back. Players will likely have access to almost any locked door, provided there’s a nearby guard. Of course, players shouldn’t forget to incapacitate said guard as soon as possible.

1 Don’t Neglect The Tube

Players who want to explore the entirety of London by foot will have quite a hard time considering how gigantic the city is in Legion. In fact, players might take hours just driving or cruising around the city. This activity might get fun for casual players, but increasingly frustrating for those who have missions in mind. Thankfully, Legion copies one of London’s best features to the game world: the tube.

In fact, Legion‘s fast travel system comes in the form of the London Underground subway system. As with the real world Tube, Legion‘s London Undeground has most of the known stations covered, alongside a few new ones to accommodate certain areas.

NEXT: Watch Dogs Legion: 10 Underrated Operative Perks To Look For In Recruits


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