10 Enemies In Dark Souls That Should Have Been In Bloodborne

Although both the Dark Souls series and Bloodborne share similarities besides being created by FromSoftware, they are not usually interpreted to be connected. At least not closely. One of these similarities is the overlap where modern meets ancient, namely in enemy description.

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Horrific fiends of all kinds exist in both universes. Qualities of darkness, be it from The Abyss or The Beyond, have a convergent evolution. Madness, illness, the death of light and fire, and how these things manifest in foes of flesh, spectral matter, or otherwise. Bloodborne is closer in lore to Demon’s Souls, which has many more similarities to the Dark Souls games, and this lends itself to the notion that some Dark Souls enemies would be plausible in Bloodborne.

10 Infested Enemies

Foes rife with disease, like many that can be found in disgusting Blighttown, would be right at home in certain Bloodborne areas. The bloated Infested Barbarians could blend with the piles of refuse and corpses around Yharnam and the Infested Ghouls would not be out of place in many of the city’s expansive cemeteries.

Sickness can easily be found where death and decay linger, corrupting all around it.

9 Corpse Grubs

This literal sentient pile of maggots is one of the foulest enemies one can come across in Dark Souls 3. These monstrosities can infect the Ashen One with a pestilence which can incur bleeding.

In form and function, Corpse Grubs resemble Kin enemies from Bloodborne. Invertebrate abominations of mostly unknown origin with a desire to suck the life from the player’s fresh body, these foes could have a place in Yharnam.

8 Bell Gargoyles

Although the architecture in Bloodborne is much more gothic than what can be found in Dark Souls, ornate stone structures are quite common in both settings. In composition, the only difference between a tombstone and a gargoyle is the shape.

Any of the numerously detailed statues in Bloodborne already look like they could come alive and spring at the player with ill intent.

7 Bloathead Enemies

Similar to the Infested enemies, Bloatheads represent a different manner of repulsiveness. These foes could easily pass for Kin enemies in Bloodborne with their disproportionate features and otherworldly attacks.

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Furthermore, their origins are also tied to an imposing and sinister force hidden in unfathomable depths. Oolacile fell to The Abyss not unlike how Yharnam is being slowly consumed by things from Beyond.

6 Mimics

There are plenty of chests to be found in Bloodborne. Considering the variety of traps and obstacles in the game, one in the form of a chest would not be unheard of. This is another overlap between this world and that of the Dark Souls series.

In the first two games of the trilogy, the Symbol of Avarice helmet’s description mentions that it is in the form of an ancient deity of unparalleled greed. Old and Great beings have influence in both universes.

5 Mass Of Souls

Hideous amalgamations can be found in the dark and dank places of both worlds. In the New Londo ruins dwells a sickening blob of joined decomposing corpses. Its agony can become the Chosen Undead’s if one underestimates it.

Many things born from places without light or fire remind the player that this is not a world for the bright and hopeful. It is one for those willing to dive into blind cesspools in hopes of acquiring some benefit.

4 Chained Prisoners

This grotesque mass on legs is an enemy from Dark Souls that the players are given no information on. No item descriptions or dialogue with NPCs mention it.

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It drops pieces of chainmail armor and leather gloves, which may hint that it was once a man that was horribly warped. Such manipulation would not be out of place among the many experiments-gone-wrong to be found in Bloodborne.

3 Crow Demons

Crows are common sights in both worlds, even as enemies. Dark wings can be a herald to one’s doom if these avian foes are not taken seriously.

The Crow Demons from the Painted World of Ariamis have the lithe forms and quick motions of an enemy more suitable to the rooves of Yharnam than a world inside a painting. The flurry in which they attack is also a trait more common with Bloodborne enemies.

2 Manus, Father Of The Abyss

The ancient Father of the Abyss is as close to a Great One as players get in Dark Souls. He exists as a being capable of manipulating space and time, unbound by the laws of nature that restrict most other beings. He is very old, older than even the gods of Anor Londo, for he was there with Gwyn and the others as they slew the dragons, though the role he played is unknown.

An ancient knowledge lost to the void, like that where Manus festered and tainted the world around him. He pulled Oolacile into the dark just as the Great Ones do to Yharnam through corrupted blood.

1 Marvelous Chester

Dragged from another era, and possible another dimension, Chester can be found near Oolacile for the same reason the Chosen Undead is there: Manus snared them through some sort of portal. Chester is unlike any NPC or invader that the player meets. His mannerisms, clothing, and weapons are completely unique. He is an anomaly that had many people scratching their heads for years.

That is until Bloodborne was released and gamers were able to put the pieces together. Worth noting is that Bloodborne began its development around the time that the Artorias of the Abyss DLC was released for the original Dark Souls. FromSoftware likely crossed over a few elements for reasons as obscure as that of the Great Ones or ancient Lords.

NEXT: Dark Souls: 10 Crazy Pieces Of Cut Content


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