10 Worst PC Games of 2020 (According to Metacritic) | Game Rant

Game studios never set out with the goal to make a bad game but disappointments still regularly happen. For every game like Grand Theft Auto and Breath of the Wild that wows gaming fans, there is a Night Trap and WWE 2K20 released that make them groan in frustration.

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2020 was no exception to this rule with some severe gaming duds flopping onto the market. No one wants to waste their hard-earned money on a terrible PC game so it’s good to know which ones should best be left unplayed forever.

10 Crucible

Gaming fans were originally excited to see Amazon dive further into the gaming market with its subsidiary studio, Relentless Studios, releasing their first major title. Fans hoped that the company that has mostly made tablet games would fare well with a free-to-play multiplayer third-person shooter.

They were sorely disappointed. Players found the gameplay bland and without vital features for online games like voice chat, players weren’t willing to keep giving it a chance to improve. The game was pulled back into closed beta shortly after release and then was discontinued completely shortly after.

9 Necromunda: Underhive Wars

Fans of Warhammer 40k saw Necromunda: Underhive Wars was on the horizon and excitement grew strong for the game. There have been many excellent Warhammer 40k games before so there was little reason to expect this game would be the disappointment it turned out to be. Rogue Factor dropped the ball with this game from having broken AI to major bugs and technical issues present upon release. Flawed design decisions throughout plague this game and make it one of the worst Warhammer 40k games on the market, let alone the PC.

8 Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode is among the rare examples of games that were made to be bad on purpose. The game was inspired by Desert Bus, a game where players drive a bus from Tuscon, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada in real-time at a maximum speed of 45 miles per hour. Airplane Mode set out to be just as boring, providing a realistic experience of flying in coach for a six-hour flight.

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The was created by the TV network AMC and was their first dive into the gaming market. The game is obviously done in satire but it will be curious to see if it eventually spawns cult-classic status or its own charity event for playing the game.

7 Table Manners

Many games seek to do romance right and many dating games have maintained serious popularity over the years. Table Manners will not be one of those games. Some physics-based games result in hilarity which is what Echo Chamber Games was likely going for but ultimately failed to achieve. The game received terrible reviews with players finding it far more frustrating than fun. With glitches and bugs also weighing it down, the game will never achieve the status of something like Surgeon Simulator.

6 Those Who Remain

With games like Observer: System Redux on the market, players might be itching to find another excellent piece of psychological horror to play. Those Who Remain will not scratch that itch. Camel 101 may have helped with games like Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn and Disco Elysium but Those Who Remain lacks any of the charm and vitality those two games provide. Some players were excited about the game’s release but in the end, it fell flatter than a popped basketball.

5 The Dark Eye: Book Of Heroes

When a fan favorite tabletop RPG is set to finally come in video game form, fans can’t help but be hopeful it will be a fun and engaging experience. In the case of The Dark Eye: Book Of Heroes, fans are better off buying a book and being the GM of a real game. Its lack of storytelling and dry by the numbers game mechanics offered none of the excitement The Dark Eye offered fans who brought it out to tables in the real world. Players are more likely to experience better graphics than the outdated fare the game offered in real life anyway.

4 Waking

Developed by Jason Oda and a team of indie developers, Waking has players walking through a dying mind with the main character experiencing a coma. Players craft weapons through guided meditations and fight along with the memories of loved ones to keep from slipping away fully into a coma.

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On the surface, the game looks like it could be a fascinating dive into the mind with the kind of unique and rare game mechanics that players can’t find in other games. In the end, the rough visuals and dismal combat bogged down the game to the point the other unique characteristics the game had couldn’t help it find success.

3 Remothered: Broken Porcelain

Horror fans were on the lookout for Remothered: Broken Porcelain as it was expected to be a game worth keeping an eye on. Instead of a scary survival horror game that kept players on their feet, gamers found a game that felt sloppy and incomplete. The game also suffered from major performance issues and left most players feeling more confused from the storyline over making them scared.

2 XIII (Remake)

XIII was a first-person shooter in a cell-shaded art style based on a Belgian graphic novel of the same name from 1984. Originally released in 2003, the game flopped in terms of sales but grew to have a cult following of fans. When the remake was announced those players were incredibly excited for the game to have a second chance to grab the spotlight.

The spotlight was not what fans were hoping for. The game was a buggy mess upon release and the remake even had its sales eclipsed by the original game. It is unlikely XIII will get a third chance in the limelight.

1 Fast & Furious Crossroads

Fast & Furious Crossroads is by far one of the most disappointing games in the entire game franchise. It went from being one of the biggest expected releases of August 2020 to being seen as a critical failure. The game not only had a pathetically short run time for such an expensive game but also managed to not have keyboard support on the PC version. Yes, a PC game without keyboard support upon release. It’s no wonder that the game is considered one of the worst in 2020.

NEXT: The 10 Worst Xbox One Games Of 2020, Ranked (According To Metacritic)


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