Xbox Fans Asked to Dial Down Expectations for The Game Awards

In what will probably end up being a wise move, Aaron Greenberg of Xbox has sent out a tweet warning fans to keep their expectations in check for the upcoming The Game Awards show. This is most likely in response to all of the enthusiastic rumors about what Xbox might be announcing at the show.

For those that don’t know, The Game Awards not only serves as a chance to crown certain influential games with various titles ranging from  the prestigious Game of the Year award to Best Community support, but also as a platform for developers and publishers to share exciting news with fans.

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This year, there have been rumors abound about potential reveals coming from Microsoft and, more specifically, the team at Xbox. Fans are wanting to see more of Halo: Infinite, while others want to figure out what Xbox’s new studio, The Initiative, has been working on. It’s still unclear what’s true, but it seems fans would do well to temper their expectations a bit.

Greenberg does confirm that Xbox has “a couple of moments in the show,” but makes it very clear that players should dial expectations “way down” when compared to the kind of speculation that has been going around. He makes it a point to say that this reveal won’t be as massive as Xbox at The Game Awards 2019, but that fans should still tune in and support the industry. There are a couple reasons why this was a really smart move on Greenberg’s part.

For starters, the next generation of gaming has been plagued by overhyped rumors and underperforming announcements, as fans seem to be setting their expectations very high and companies are failing to reach them. Sometimes this is the fault of the company, like when Xbox promised a gameplay reveal and barely showed any gameplay, but other times it spawns from fans passing rumors and speculation about. In order to ensure that reception of Xbox’s announcements at The Game Awards is a positive one, it was necessary to crush any hope of certain outlandish predictions coming true.

Of course, none of this is to say that Xbox won’t make a big announcement at The Game Awards, just that it may not be as big as fans were starting to believe. Thankfully, there isn’t long to wait anymore before the cat is out of the bag and fans know what’s really going on at Xbox, as The Game Awards begin tomorrow.

The Game Awards airs December 10th.

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