5 Things From Black Ops Cold War They Should Use In Next Year’s Call Of Duty (& 5 They Should Leave Behind)

Since its inception, the Call of Duty franchise has been slowly evolving and adjusting with each iteration. However, some entries introduce features many see as a step back, and the same goes for this year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

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For everything the new title does right, there are a couple of things players bemoan and hope the series leaves behind in the sequels. Despite the negatives, there is still quite a lot to love about this year’s game. This does not mean it is free from any criticism. Whatever next year’s Call of Duty brings, hopefully it takes some notes from the entries below.

10 Should Use: Optional Objectives

The series’ campaigns generally adhere to a strict linearity. Black Ops Cold War shakes things up by adding bonus objectives which sometimes sends players to parts of the map they otherwise would have completely ignored. Doing or not doing these optional goals changes parts of the mission, making a second play through more desirable and unpredictable. Before this, Black Ops II had a similar system, and it is something to which the series in general should subscribe.

9 Leave Behind: Customizable Character

Character creators are always welcome, but it sometimes comes with the drawback of a lead protagonist who has no personality. The idea works in Black Ops Cold War because of the way it ties into the story. However, if a future entry simply wants to let players customize their character, they should instead go for a protagonist with a more developed style and personality. Save the character creation for large RPGs like Fallout.

8 Should Use: Bonus Missions

Not only are optional objectives present in the levels, but the campaign features two entirely ignorable bonus missions. These are not half-baked additions either; each feels like they could have been a part of the main campaign. Even if the game itself is super short and doing the bonus missions comes highly recommended, having optional content like this always feels good for players and gives them more agency.

7 Leave Behind: Fireteam

Few new additions make their way to the multiplayer suite this year, and what the game does try to change about the popular feature does not necessarily land well.

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Fireteam: Dirty Bomb pits ten teams of four against each other to set off bombs throughout the large map. While a novel idea, the execution could have been better. If it returns, the mode needs some tweaking. Otherwise, leave it behind.

6 Should Use: Licensed Music

To bring the game’s time period to life, the campaign uses several licensed songs, including Billy Squier’s “The Stroke” and Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride”. It almost seems like cheating to use such classic tunes, but it helps further immerse the player in the world. Even if the next game takes place in the present, they should still include songs from bands and artists, whether they be popular or not, to liven up the atmosphere.

5 Leave Behind: The Game Engine

It is weird to say this, but Black Ops Cold War is visually worse than last year’s Modern Warfare reboot. The two games use different, though closely related, engines. Hopefully the next game returns to Infinity Ward’s engine, because the graphics are significantly better than Black Ops Cold War. The new game earns some points for a more stylized presentation, but it is disappointing to see it look lackluster, especially since it is available on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

4 Should Use: Synthesis Between Games

The developers were smart enough to continue support for Modern Warfare and Warzone after Black Ops Cold War’s release. Not only are they still ongoing, but leveling is shared between all three games. The zombies mode also gets in on this synthesis, with players earning experience while shooting the undead that also contributes to their overall level. The following games in the series should continue this trend.

3 Leave Behind: Thin Multiplayer Suite

Call of Duty is renowned for its multiplayer offerings, which makes this year’s game particularly disappointing. There are only a small handful of maps and only two new game modes show up. Modern Warfare had a ton of new modes, so seeing this game’s thin multiplayer is even sadder. Updates can always remedy this in the future, but as of now it is best to stick with Modern Warfare. One almost wishes this game was delayed and the series stuck with Modern Warfare’s multiplayer for another year. No one would have been mad.

2 Should Use: Stealth Mechanics

As the title implies, the story includes a lot of espionage. While plenty of set pieces still populate the campaign, several missions include extended stealth segments.

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The balance between these two makes the short story feel more varied and unpredictable. Infiltrating the Lubyanka building is a particular highlight, since several methods exist of helping Adler and the team infiltrate the KGB headquarters.

1 Leave Behind: Slow Movement

Playing this title right after Modern Warfare, the slower movement is extremely noticeable and drags down the whole experience to the point of feeling sluggish. Not only this, but players can no longer mount cover, a significant drawback. Movement felt so good in Modern Warfare, so future entries should take more cues from the 2019 game than from Black Ops Cold War.

Next: 10 Details About Black Ops Cold War Only Players Of The Previous Games In The Franchise Notice


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