Cyberpunk 2077: Tips For Making Money Fast | Game Rant

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out, and people are really beginning to dig into it. Already Cyberpunk 2077 is the first single-player game to hit one million consecutive Steam players, and its momentum likely won’t slow for some time.

As eager as everyone is to get their hands on the game, Cyberpunk 2077 has not launched without problems. The game’s economy is intimidating, with most of the best items heavily price-gated. Players who want the very best will have to raise a boatload of cash. Here are a few tips to earning enough money in Cyberpunk 2077.

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The best stuff in Night City is prohibitively expensive. The economy of Cyberpunk 2077 is kind of a monster, with many of the best weapons and vehicles out of reach even into the late game. Earning enough money to get the best stuff in Cyberpunk 2077 takes a dedicated effort, and players will find themselves desperate for another buck.

It should go without saying, but missions both in the main quest and side quests, offer good payouts. Get as many of them under V’s belt as soon as possible. Side missions are often where the juiciest stories are found, so there are other benefits to doing them frequently.

Each of the three different Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077 open up a different series of dialogue options. These can net a lot of money or opportunities. For example, at one point a corporate drone will offer the player a Eurodollar (or Eddie, as the currency is called) credchip. If the player has the Corpo Lifepath, they’ll know this is infected with a virus, and money is no good if the player can’t spend it.

While players can customize how they play to a degree, the truth of the matter is some skills are more useful than others. Hacking in particular is good for getting money. Hacking skills help with things like getting money out of public ports, which players should try to do all the time. Players should also work on removing the virus from the aforementioned credchip. By contrast, players are not recommended to go too far into the crafting system, as in its current state, Cyberpunk 2077‘s crafting is not particularly useful.

There are other ways to make money in the game, but not a ton of shortcuts. Other good cyberpunk games don’t have quite the same draconian economy, so hopefully purchasing goods will become easier in Cyberpunk 2077 in the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions coming in 2021.

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Source: Dexerto


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