Cyberpunk 2077: How to Get One of the Best Mods in the Game

One of the best ways to increase in power in Cyberpunk 2077 is through the use of mods. These can be attached to clothing and weapons and have the capability to provide huge bonuses. While good mods can at times be hard to come by, one of the best in the game can be obtained relatively early on during a quest called I Walk the Line.

I Walk the Line is the seventh main job that players will be able to do after they’ve completed the prologue. For those that aren’t quite there yet, simply keep playing the game and pounding through story missions. There’s a lot to do in Cyberpunk 2077, so there’s no need to rush, however.

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While getting it is as simple as progressing through the main quest, there are a few things that players should keep in mind while doing so. For one, the mod itself is easy to miss as players get wrapped up in what’s going on and forget to watch their surroundings, but it’s also important to use the mod wisely.

While progressing through this quest, players will come across a mini boss of sorts. Matilda K. Rose is a powerful enemy capable of dealing and taking a ton of damage. There’s a fairly good chance that players won’t be ready to take her down just yet, so remember that stealthing past her is always an option as well. Eventually, players will find themselves in a room with a NetWatch agent; the mod can be found in a chest nearby.

Before leaving the room and continuing on, look to the right of the NetWatch agent to find a lootable crate. Inside is the Bully mod, which increases critical damage by 30% when attached to a piece of clothing. This will help players deal damage much quicker, but it’s important to remember that mods can’t be removed after they’ve been put into an item. The one exception to this is if players invest in the Waste Not Want Not crafting perk, which allows players to get mods back when disassembling an item. This ability requires 16 technical ability, though.

This mod works especially well with characters built around a high critical hit chance. including upgrades from the Cold Blood skill. That said, any character can make excellent use out of this, but for those that aren’t too savvy at crafting just yet, be sure to slot it into a piece of equipment that will be sticking around a while.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, and later on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: How to Stop Overheating


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