The biggest fix CD Projekt Red needs to hammer through for Cyberpunk 2077 are the bugs and other various technical problems on PS4 and Xbox One. They run better on the new consoles but they are still not perfect. From pop-in graphics that take minutes to load to broken quests to game crashes, these console versions are a mess.
It may be one of the craziest launches for a high profile game that the industry has seen for some time, because the PC build is getting high praise as a contender for end of the year awards. Anyway, besides bugs, there are other things that need to be fixed about the game too.
10 Shoot While Driving
Players can shoot while other characters are driving but they cannot shoot on their own. This basically means shooting is held only for certain story justifications. This is odd considering that the shoot button prompt appears while riding in some vehicles, but never works. This could be a glitch in the game in that players are supposed to be able to or it is a glitch that shows an option that shouldn’t exist.
9 Conversations Interrupting Conversations
This could also be the result of a glitch, or it could be just poor programming. Players can sometimes get calls in the middle of a major story cutscene just because they get within radar of a police side mission, or something of that nature.
This means that two different conversations will be happening on screen at once. Whether this is a glitch or not does not matter because either way it needs a fix.
8 Fast Traveling At Select Points
For an open-world game as big as Cyberpunk 2077, it does not make a lot of sense to withhold fast travel from players. Fast travel can only be done to and from certain locations. Getting to these locations to get to a mission quickly can sometimes be too much of a hassle. There is no story justification either like these are supposed to be warp points like from Star Trek.
7 Car Doesn’t Auto Drive
Another odd thing with travel is that players can call their collected rides wherever they are in the world. That’s great, which means that these cars, bikes, or whatever are smart enough to auto-pilot themselves across town. However, there is no option right now for them to auto-drive players anywhere once they get in the car. If there ever was a way to fix fast travel in this game, this would be it although it is admittedly not perfect.
6 Dialogue Skipping
Even though there are two options for skipping dialogue, not all dialogue can be skipped. For the most part whenever a big scene is going down text can be scrawled though. This is not the case in some instances which might be because of a glitch. What isn’t due to a glitch is seemingly dialogue given in car rides.
5 Love Like Fire
This is a wide known bug that can make any player pull their hair out of their head. After the first set of missions, about three hours in if no side activities are taken, players will go on this mission wherein they will storm a tower.
It starts off by circling the building with a turret fight and what should happen is that it lands after all foes are taken down. For whatever reason a bug in the system makes it so that it never lands and the only solution right now is to wipe save data and start over.
4 Firing From Cover
The shooting in the game is tight, except for firing from cover. There is no cover button right now. Players can crouch down and aim from cover to shoot enemies which is not ideal. That is to say sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s hard to say if this is due to poor programming or a bug in the game but either way it needs fixing.
3 Add A Third-Person Camera
The first-person perspective is not as jarring as some people thought before the game came our. Most reviews did not have a problem with it. However, as an option, it would be nice to include the third-person perspective as that is the preferred play style for a lot of gamers. Players go into this viewpoint while in a car so why not do that for walking around too?
2 Mark Weapons For Sale
Here’s a pro tip for the game: don’t buy things in shops. Enemies and random chests will have tons of gear and weapons to dish out. It can sometimes be too much which makes this a good way to make money early on. There is a problem with this though. Right now there is no way to tag equipment for sale, or for keeping. So basically it becomes a game of memorization while trying to sell things off. It’s clunky compared to modern RPGs is the point.
1 Map Button
On PS4/PS5, hitting the touchpad will bring up the general character menu. From here players can check their gear, quests, the map and so forth. While this entry could just be about fixing the menu system as it is clunky as mentioned above, this fix is on one inarticulate part of the menu i.e. the map. Dedicating a button to the map would make navigation much less complicated. There are ways to do this on the touchpad as other games have figured out like Ghost of Tsushima.
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