Fallout 4: The 10 Most Underrated Character Builds | Game Rant

Open world games with lots of character creation options are the ideal time-killer. With so much to see, do, and become, the Fallout series is undeniably one of the best examples of this genre. Each game in the franchise adds more and more variables that players can adjust and toy with at their leisure.

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The results are unexpected playstyles. Builds that range from bizarre to bold can flourish in Boston’s wastelands if the Sole Survivor has the correct perks, weapons, and armor. With the variety to be found in Fallout 4, there are plenty of reasons to start a new playthrough.

10 Suave Cannibal

With high Charisma, refined clothing, and a fancy home, one can slaughter and dine upon their foes with luxury unseen in the wasteland. For best results, be sure to invest in subversive skills and melee attack damage.

Perks from the Endurance, Charisma, and Agility branches are suitable. Some examples are Cannibal to eat bodies, Lady Killer/Black Widow to increase damage done to the opposite gender, and Sneak as well as Ninja because they both make a player more capable of hunting and acquiring prey.

9 Mad Scientist

Knowledge is power in the Commonwealth that can come from the Intelligence branch of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. The Chemist perk lets chems that the player consumes last significantly longer, which makes the stat boosts, additional Action Points, and other modifiers gained from drugs much more worth the addiction and other penalties.

Be sure to also grab the perk called Nerd Rage. This one boosts the damage dealt and reduces damage taken when low on health in addition to slowing time, thereby granting greater knowledge-born power.

8 Dumb Luck

For those looking for a more chaotic and less-planned adventure, it is recommended to acquire many of the perks in the Luck branch while avoiding Intelligence at all costs. There is a perk in Luck known as Idiot Savant, which randomly grants multiplied Experience for actions and kills made.

Worth noting that this perk scales with Intelligence and the effects are much more likely to activate the lower one’s brainpower is. With the levels gained from this, the Sole Survivor can funnel points into other Luck perks that can grant bonus damage and chances to outright kill foes immediately like Bloody Mess, Better Criticals, and Ricochet.

7 Big League Slugger

Baseball fans should try this one out at some point, as the combat and kills made with this build are immensely satisfying. Firstly, acquire the Big Leagues perk from the Strength branch which gives attacks done with melee weapons greater damage as well as chances to cripple, disarm, or outright decapitate adversaries.

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An excellent weapon that compliments this build is the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat found in the basement of the Jamaica Plains Townhall building. This is a unique variation of the common baseball bat that has a small chance to send foes flying into the distance, much like slamming out a homerun. This is even accompanied by audio of a crisp crack and crowds cheering.

6 Punch-Out

Strength builds are a great way to relieve stress without fiddling about with guns and other non-essentials. The simplest approach to combat in Fallout 4 is to use unarmed builds which involve punching the lights out of every threat the Sole Survivor comes across.

To be able to do decent damage against foes in this manner, aspiring wasteland boxers should select the Iron Fist perk, which at higher ranks can cripple or paralyze foes. If bare fists are too boring, try equipping a Power Fist for serious strikes that would make Mike Tyson jealous.

5 Fearmonger

Sometimes one does not need to fight or kills foes to get their way. With the right setup, the Sole Survivor’s might can be perceived by NPCs, who will back down if the player is a higher level than them.

The Intimidation perk in the Charisma S.P.E.C.I.A.L. branch makes the Sole Survivor so terrifying that those the player points a gun at will sometimes yield. After pacifying the target, the Sole Survivor can command them to attack others nearby. Turn friends into foes without firing a single bullet.

4 Infiltrator

Sneak is one of the best and most used perks in the series. The benefits are so great for combat and eliminating enemies quickly that it’s instinctual for many players to pick this one up early on. Assassination via blade or bullet is fun, though this can get old after the first few playthroughs.

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For a more interesting run, try investing in non-combat perks like some found in the Perception and Intelligence branches. Locksmith and Hacker are great ones to get by various obstacles and grant many information-related options, which can allow the player to finish quests without getting their hands as dirty.

3 Master Of Machines

The Robotics Expert perk in the Intelligence branch can be very useful due to how populated post-apocalyptic Boston is with potential metal minions. At first, gamers will only be able to power on and off robots, but at higher ranks, this perk can give someone control over all successfully hacked machines.

It is recommended to grab the Hacker perk as well to make bending artificial intelligence to the Sole Survivor easier and more efficient. Robots tend to have some of the best offensive and defensive stats and traits in the game, so using them to do your bidding usually results in positive outcomes.

2 Bomberman

Explosives can be tricky to utilize as the damage they deal does not discriminate. A poorly thrown grenade or badly placed mine can result in limb-crippling or death for the player. If planned accordingly, however, a build specializing in such armaments can be both fun and overpowered.

The Demolition Expert perk in Perception grants the player bonus damage with all explosives, including grenades and mines shot while in V.A.T.S. Furthermore, as someone ranks up, their grenade throwing gains an arced trajectory for better aiming, making lobbing a grenade through tiny gaps at unsuspecting foes that much easier.

1 Lone Wanderer

For those who want to avoid chatty associates while maximizing efficiency, they should consider paying homage to Fallout 3‘s player character. The Lone Wanderer perk in the Charisma branch grants players increased carrying capacity, reduces received damage, and boosts damage output.

It’s almost like Bethesda decided to take the most desirable effects everyone liked from the previous game in the franchise and shoved them all into one perk. The best part about this build is that players can take perks in whatever branch they want to complement their personal preferences as long as they walk the radioactive roads alone.

NEXT: Fallout 4: The 10 Biggest Plot Holes In The Game


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