The 10 Best Friends Christmas Specials | Game Rant

It seems like only yesterday that Friends was in production, thanks in large to the fact that it’s still broadcast fairly regularly in many countries and is a mainstay on several streaming services. It’s a show that remains just as relevant today as it was during its prime with many of its messages and ideas still resonating with viewers of all ages. It is, for lack of a better word, timeless — that iconic intro sequence is unlikely to fade from public consciousness for decades to come, anyway.

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With the festive season right around the corner and a special reunion episode still on the horizon (even after understandable delays), now seems like as good a time as any to reflect back on the show’s many holiday specials and pick out the best ones to watch this Christmas. Some stuck the landing a little better than others, but, ultimately, the show generally delivered when it came to its Christmas themed episodes.

10 The One With Christmas In Tulsa (S09E10)

Chandler’s job in Tulsa placed a lot of strain on his relationship with Monica, but none more so than the time when he was stuck there for Christmas. Just to make matters worse, he ends up working alone with one of his attractive co-workers which leads to Monica becoming both jealous and concerned about what might happen.

The episode ostensibly centers around Chandler reflecting on how lucky he is to have his friends and wife through a series of flashbacks to holidays past. It’s an interesting take on the clip show format and tackles some fairly serious themes between its many comedic clips. Thankfully, there’s a happy ending for everybody and a merry Christmas is had by all.

9 The One With Ross’ Step Forward (S08E11)

Sometimes referred to as “The One With The Creepy Holiday Card”, this episode sees Ross freak-out over his new girlfriend wanting to send out couples Christmas cards. He then gives her a key to his apartment, has the locks changed and tells her that he’s in love with her even though they both know that he isn’t. All of this is to avoid an awkward conversation.

Elsewhere, Chandler tells his recently divorced boss that he and Monica have split up to spare her from an unpleasant evening at his home. As a result, his boss takes him to a string of bars to help him get over the fictional breakup which makes Chandler realize just how lucky he really is. Both storylines highlight the importance of being honest and open no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

8 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie (S04E10)

It’s not always easy to get into the festive spirit, especially when life has other ideas. In this episode, Rachel is struggling with being single over the holiday period while Ross’s love life isn’t faring too much better. Even after her promotion to Head Chef, Monica’s having a terrible time at work and Phoebe is having some trouble coming up with rhyming couplets for her latest song.

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Thankfully, Joey and Chandler are on hand to help their friends and Phoebe eventually comes up with the goods. The resulting song is one of her most iconic, even if it does fall apart a little towards the end. It’s the perfect conclusion to a great episode that celebrates the true meaning of the holidays.

7 The One With Phoebe’s Dad (S02E09)

A Christmas gift from Ross leads to Phoebe tracking down her real father. Sadly though, her fear of abandonment delays their reunion for three more seasons. Joey and Chandler somehow manage to switch between comic relief and Phoebe’s emotional support multiple times throughout the episode, which strikes the perfect balance between meaningful discourse and meaningless nonsense.

Monica and Rachel’s cookie tipping escapades end up taking a back seat and aside from purchasing the gift that sets everything in motion, Ross also plays a fairly minor role in the episode. That said, his Christmas summer party is good for a few laughs and, like Joey and Chandler, helps to lighten the tone a little in what is otherwise quite a serious episode.

6 The One With All The Candy (S07E09)

Monica’s need for approval is something that crops up regularly throughout the series and does so again in the first of season 7’s two Christmassy episodes. On this occasion, she decides that she’d like to get to know her neighbors better and so puts her cooking skills to good use by making them chocolate.

While her homemade candy proves to be a big hit with everybody, Chandler becomes irate after realizing that their neighbors are only interested in getting more candy rather than actually getting to know his fiancé. Elsewhere, Rachel gets in trouble at work after starting an inappropriate relationship with her assistant and Ross teaches Phoebe how to ride a bike with hilarious results.

5 The One Where Rachel Quits (S03E10)

Rachel quits her job at Central Perk and Joey gets a new job selling Christmas trees which Phoebe isn’t at all happy about. She doesn’t like that the trees are being cut down nor that the old ones are being discarded to make room for more. In order to placate her, the gang ends up buying all of the old Christmas trees and using them to decorate Monica’s apartment.

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With Joey’s help, Rachel is able to get a new job in fashion and Ross ends up buying way too many girl scout cookies after accidentally breaking a little girl’s leg. Sadly, it’s not enough for her to win first prize and a place at Space Camp, but he still finds a way to provide her with an out of this world experience.

4 The One With The Monkey (S01E10)

Most people just want to be alone for a while after a difficult breakup. Not Ross though. He instead decides to adopt a capuchin monkey named Marcel and the rebellious little monkey provides some of the episode’s best moments. In a show of unity, the gang all agree that they’ll stay single for New Year’s Eve, but things don’t quite go to plan.

As the episode unfolds, several of them end up arranging dates, but none of them end up working out. After another awkward conversation with Janice, Chandler once again finds himself alone for the countdown but still gets the New Year’s kiss that he’d been hoping for. Sadly for him though, it’s not quite what he’d had in mind.

3 The One with The Inappropriate Sister (S05E10)

Joey’s struggles to write the perfect part for himself in this episode will resonate with many a writer, as will the distractions that he faces with those who have ever worked from home. That his writing is later used as a device with which to patch things up between Ross and Chandler makes for a heart-warming moment though and is followed up by a brilliant gag at the end of the episode.

Rachel’s relationship with her neighbor provides some awkward moments, as do Phoebe’s holiday fundraising attempts. Watching the Christmas spirit draining out of her is a little sad to watch at times, but it’s also incredibly relatable. It would have been nice if there’d been more of a pay-off to the latter storyline, but it’s a great episode nonetheless.

2 The One With The Holiday Armadillo (S07E10)

Friends has had its fair share of absurd moments over the years, but few have been quite as ridiculous as the time when Santa, Superman, and Tex the holiday armadillo joined forces to teach Ben about the importance of Hanukkah. For all of the laughs that it provides though, it somehow leads to an incredibly touching moment between Ross and his son.

The episode serves as a reminder of all of the things that make Friends such a great show, particularly its ability to change tone at a moment’s notice. It also encourages viewers to remember that there are plenty of other people celebrating over the festive period and that no one holiday is more important than another.

1 The One With The Routine (S06E10)

Chandler, Rachel, and Phoebe search for presents in the hope of figuring out what Monica has gotten them all for Christmas, Joey obsesses over his new Australian roommate, and Monica and Ross crank out their eighth-grade dance routine in an attempt to appear on television. Although things end up working out quite well for Joey, the rest of the friends end up disappointed and poor Ross ends up on the ground.

Despite everything that’s going on, each storyline manages to remain poignant throughout the episode with a wide range of emotions evoked as they all unfold. It’s rare to see Joey work so hard for a woman just as it is for Chandler’s to be the voice of reason, but it makes for a welcome change of pace and works well within the confines of the episode.

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