Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: 10 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found

Ubisoft has certainly tried to up the ante with Assassin’s Creed. For better or worse, this historical stealth series seems filled with more gimmicks and larger worlds with each successive entry. The most recent game, Assassin’s Creed Valhallais possibly the most expansive title to date. It presents players with the vast open world of Medieval England, engulfed in a bloody struggle between the various squabbling kingdoms and the invading Vikings.

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Standard in any open world is a plethora of side quests and secrets. Valhalla has those in spades, boasting an overwhelming number of locales for players to explore. The most elusive ones, however, can only be found by a true Viking champion.

10 Asgard

One individual players can invite to their settlement is Valka, an enigmatic woman from the old country. After fulfilling the prerequisites for her to settle in England and building a Seer hut for her, Eivor can complete the questline involving a mysterious potion that Valka cooks up. Drinking this mixture transports the unsuspecting warrior to Asgard, home of the Aesir.

9 Jotunheim

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Drinking the brew sends Eivor to Jotunheim, the mythical land of giants (Frost giants, to be exact), and it once again takes cues from Asgard. It’s an explorable area with several new quests and secrets to uncover. Obviously, players must venture off the beaten path to see what lies beyond Midgard.

8 The Tomb Of The East Anglian Sisters

Players willing to stick around, though, will find a nearby tomb. This houses a statue guarding a door requiring three keys to pass. To get these keys, Eivor must venture out into the world, find the homeowner’s three daughters, and defeat them in grueling combat. Only then can the Viking raid the tomb. Here’s hoping it’s worth it.

7 The Resting Place Of Excalibur

The required tasks are secretive enough, as they involve seeking out several hidden caves and defeating three zealots, who themselves never stay in one place. Finally, players traverse one final cave at Stonehenge (part of which is underwater) and pull the sword from the stone. Sadly, this doesn’t grant Eivor dominion over England; it just deals a ton of damage.

6 The Dark Souls Bonfire

This is not part of a quest and not a priority destination for the Vikings. As such, many fans likely missed it without a guide. Considering how hard it is to navigate the meat grinder that is the Dark Souls series, Ubisoft may have been right on the money with the way this area was hidden.

5 The Dunwich Cell

The second is a large smear of blood on the floor, which is surrounded by small birds. This harkens back to the cuccos in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They even swarm Eivor in the same annoying way. Finally, the most noticeable aspect of this cell is the lack of a fourth wall. This massive gap plunges potential prisoners off the side of the castle to a rocky death, a grisly fate that almost befalls Tyron when he’s a a prisoner of Catelyn Stark’s sister in Game of Thrones (a series that shares Valhalla’s aesthetic). The sheer number of callbacks stuffed into this single room is as subtle as a slap in the face.

4 Rapunzel’s Tower

This little encounter has nothing to do with the main story, and it can easily get lost in the slew of other locales and side quests that Eivor finds on their journey. Those who miss it, though, won’t be privy to a fairy tale brought to life in Medieval England. Dreams do come true.

3 The Horcrux Hideout In London

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This may not look like much at first glance, but on the desk is a list of important items. Harry Potter fans will recognize these as Horcruxes: objects used by the villainous Voldemort to split his soul into seven pieces. Some of these trinkets are even lying on the desk. Is there a Viking-era Tom Riddle running around? He could give the dastardly Basim a run for his money.

2 The Glade Of The Green Children

Players who aren’t familiar with the folktale of Woolpit’s green children won’t know the significance of this gimmick (children in Valhalla are unnerving enough as it is). Plus, the unassuming nature of the altar (and the apparent lack of rich rewards) is sure to throw off many would-be Vikings. It’s reminiscent of another quest involving children in The Witcher 3 and it’s just as easy to miss.

1 The Hill Of The Snake

While the location itself is not as secretive as others, players may not notice the serpentine design unless they view it from an elevated position. Knowing Ubisoft, this is likely a reference to Jörmungandr, the colossal serpent that stretches around the entire world. It would certainly be more direct than other locales in the game. Most of these obscure secrets probably flew right over gamers’ heads, but Valhalla is packed with them.

NEXT: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The 10 Most Important Games In The Franchise, Ranked


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