League Of Legends: The 5 Best Legends In Season 11 (& The 5 Worst)

Riot Games released League of Legends in the Fall of 2009, and since then the MOBA has become one of the most popular games in the world, as millions of people play at least one game every day. Like every game, LoL has had to evolve in order to keep players interested, and the biggest changes usually happen in the lead-up to the next season, and thanks to the new Mythic Item system, Season 11 is shaping up to be interesting.

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Some of these items complement certain champions so well that they are essentially broken, and they will remain that way throughout Season 11 unless they get nerfed. Many champions may be in a good place this season, but there are also certain champions who have effectively been permanently nerfed by these changes, either because the new items do not mesh well with them, or because Riot nerfed or removed certain stats and items.

Ornn was already one of the better top laners prior to the Season 11 changes, but now he’s even better.  All Ornn has to do is build Sunfire Aegis and he will become one of the tankiest champions in the game, and thanks to the item’s damage stacks and magic damage output, Ornn can deal even more damage to enemy tanks with his basic attacks.

His Living Forge passive also makes an essential part of any team, because it allows him to upgrade his Mythic Item so he can become even tankier, and he can upgrade all of his allies’ Mythics too.

For the time being Mundo is a very easy champion that even beginners can use without too much difficulty, but he has been completely neutered as a tank. It is true that Sunfire Aegis pairs well with Mundo, but it doesn’t offer him much health, so if he jungles, he will have very low health compared to other champions.

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What made Mundo so viable was his life regeneration, but bramble Vest, Executioner’s Calling, and Oblivion Orb are all cheap items which counter his healing because of the Grievous Wounds passive. Even if Mundo were to go full tank, the Mythic Item Divine Sunderer which can chunk Mundo for 10% of his overall health.

She may not be the strongest champion in the lore, but Lissandra is arguably the strongest mage. All of Lissandra’s abilities revolve around ice, and because of this she either slows or freezes her enemies, and Riot managed to buff her insane crowd controlling abilities by introducing Everfrost.

Aside from empowering all of her other mage items, Everfrost has a unique active which deals damage to anyone within its cone, but it also slows them by up to 65%, and Lissandra can slow them even further with her own abilities. Anyone caught in the middle of the cone gets rooted as well, so it’s even easier for her to hit her abilities.

Squishy mages cowered whenever they saw an enemy Kassadin in Mid Lane because he is an anti-mage assassin with burst power, absurd mobility, and a magic shield. Prior to the Season 11 changes, Kassadin’s core item was Rod of Ages, but Riot removed it and has now left him in a bad spot.

Rod gave Kassadin some much needed sustain and a big power spike, but with it now gone, he has to wait until late game to do anything worthwhile. There are no Mythic Items that compliment him, and if he faces a snowballing AD assassin with lethality, he will be countered for the rest of the game.

Brand has always been a strong mage because of his burning passive, and Liandry’s Torment was a necessary item for him because it applied even more burning on his spells. His new core item is Liandry’s Anguish, which also burns enemies, except this time it damages them according to their maximum health while also ignoring up to 15% of their magic resist.

Brand also received a minor change to his ultimate, as it can now bounce off of his body to hit enemies, which makes him better against assassins, especially if they tower-dive him.

Aphelios’ character design and weaponry makes him a prime candidate for an Ultimate Skin, and he did an insane amount of damage when he was first released. He was so strong that he was capable of shredding tower health and nearly one-shotting enemy champions.

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Thanks to the changes in crit damage, Aphelios cannot dish out massive damage until late game. Aphelios now struggles against all of the game’s newfound engage and burst, and he does practically nothing to tanks until he builds Kraken Slayer and Runaan’s Hurricane-which would be fine if they didn’t cost over 3,000 gold each.

Mages are very strong right now, especially those who can dish out burst damage like Viktor-who can augment his abilities through his passive. Viktor’s E fires a beam in a single direction, and if it gets augmented it will cause an explosion along the same path.

When his E is combined with his ultimate or W (which slows), he can unload massive damage, and it deals even more damage if he has Luden’s Tempest. This Mythic allows Viktor to deal 10% extra AP damage against his target and 3 other nearby enemies, but it also grants each of his items 5% magic penetration, which allows him to melt tanks.

Trinity Force has always been a good item on AD champions, and it made ADCs like Corki quite viable in Mid Lane. Now that Trinity Force has been changed, Corki no longer has an item that gives him a significant power boost in the early stages of the game.

Thanks to Mythic Items like Night Harvestor and Hextech Rocketbelt, Corki can no longer deal with snowball champions, and he can easily get one-shotted by assassins even if he gets fed and earns a substantial gold lead.

Players tend to get stuck in Silver because they tilt easily, and champions like Master Yi were a major source of frustration in Season 10. These frustrations will likely continue in Season 11 though because the new Duskblade of Draktharr makes him practically unhittable.

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Yi’s Alpha Strike allows him to attack multiple targets while also making him untargetable, and when he uses his ultimate, his Alpha Strike refreshes after every kill or assist. Thanks to Duskblades’ passive, Yi can also go invisible for 1.5 seconds after each takedown, which gives his Alpha Strike enough time to reset.

Taliyah was designed to be able to shove lanes and roam, which is why she was such an effective Mid Laner and Jungler last season. Her ultimate is what truly makes her unique because she creates and rides a wall that can separate and trap members of the enemy team.

Unfortunately the item changes have only made her worse, as she can be one-shotted by quite a few champions thanks to her squishy nature and low health. What really sets her back, especially in the early game, is the fact that her abilities come with high mana costs, which would be fine if there wasn’t a lack of mana items.

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