Demon’s Souls: Tips For Playing As A Magician | Game Rant

Countless players have been loving the Demon’s Souls remake. Who can blame them? Seeing this classic game with its intense difficulty in its graphically enhanced glory is a wonderful sight to behold. With many classes to choose from, the game has a lot of variety for players to explore.

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It can be easy to pick up a sword and start swinging but those that try casting spells will find it’s quite rewarding. Not only can spells deal tons of damage but they also allow players to take on battles differently. Those that pick up the Magician class to start the game will find there is a lot out there they can do to maximize their success.

9 Catalysts In The Off Hand

As soon as possible, aspiring magicians should switch their catalysts to be used in their off hand. While it may seem to be counter-productive, the strongest spellcasters have weapons equipped at most times as some buff their magic skills. In case players get cornered, having their weapon in their better hand also will increase melee damage. It’s better to get used to the controller layout early on so do this right away!

8 Spice Things Up

Variety is not only the spice of life but also important in Demon’s Souls. This consumable comes in many forms and it’s good to use some souls to keep enough on hand. With such a huge focus on Magic, players need to be read in case they take on a bit more than they can chew and need to cast a few more spells.

7 Pick Smart Spells

It might be tempting to try and lay down the heat by casting Firestorm but most of the time there are better options. Soul Arrow and Soul Ray can be particularly powerful in the early game with Fire Spray providing a lot of mobility while attacking.

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Unlike players choosing the Royalty class, Magicians tend to do better going all in to maximize their damage output. The best magicians will learn to not use mana on protection spells and instead take down their enemies with overwhelming magical power.

6 Pack Light

In both the remake and the original, Demon’s Souls had difficult enemies to take down. Magicians aren’t meant to take a lot of damage in combat and need to be able to dodge and roll to avoid taking hits. It’s important players plan accordingly to not become overburdened and have slower movement. Not doing so can result in a lot of lost progress and souls.

5 Insanity Catalyst

Magicians that have a Golden Demon Soul should consider getting Blacksmith Ed to make them an Insanity Catalyst. It may be annoying to have reduced MP but the intense damage boost can often be worth it. For Magicians who want to make sure enemies go down with as few spells as possible, the Insanity Catalyst is for them.

4 Important Equipment

Players need the best equipment to help maximize their damage output. Every character can make use of the Cling Ring, an item found early in the game, but later on, Magicians should consider using the Ring of Magical Nature and the Clever Rat’s Ring.

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It’s hard to ignore the damage boost the Kris Blade provides not to mention its usefulness if melee combat is unavoidable. In terms of armor, most sets will work so choose a favorite! Just don’t forget the Monk’s Headwrap is particularly useful for magic users.

3 Choose Engagements Wisely

Running into a hoard of enemies is a great way to get killed for any player but especially magicians. The wise magician avoids hand-to-hand combat unless they have no other options. Strong Magicians are a bit squishy so they can’t stand to take many hits. Trying to take out one enemy at a time is the wisest way to fight.

It’s also important that players do realize there will be times when using their melee weapon is not only smart but more efficient. Some characters rush the player down leaving them no way to take them down with range. Other times it can save a lot of MP to simply slash at an enemy close to death instead of wasting it on a spell. Choose wisely!

2 Magic & Intelligence

When players level up they may not be sure which stats to improve. For Magicians, the choice is almost always Magic and Intelligence. These two stats will allow more spell slots and stronger damage capabilities and should be focused on from the beginning.

Players should also consider investing in Vitality but in far smaller amounts. Past 30 points vitality no longer scales in a meaningful way to make it worth investing in. The best mages will be able to dodge, duck, dip dive, and dodge their way around enemies anyway.

1 Patience

Magicians aren’t supposed to rush headfirst into battle. Sometimes players will need to simple step back and wait for their mana to regenerate. Other times tactical retreats will absolutely be necessary. Patience is key to succeeding as a Magician. Just remember that Demon’s Souls can be beaten without taking a single hit. Players that take their time will find that the Magician is a fantastic class to play that can really rain down the damage on enemies.

NEXT: Demon’s Souls: 10 Best Souls Farming Locations


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