10 PlayStation Games Besides Horizon Zero Dawn That Need PC Ports

PC fans received quite the shock when Sony announced a port of the amazing Horizon Zero Dawn. For the first time, a PlayStation exclusive was set to touch down on an unrelated platform, and it didn’t take long before gamers started imagining the possibilities for the future. Sony has promised that more titles are coming to the PC, and this spells good news for gamers who simply haven’t taken the PlayStation plunge.

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There are too many PlayStation exclusives that deserve a PC port, but it’s quite easy to narrow down a short-list of ten that definitely need to happen…yesterday. Here they are, in no particular order, because order really doesn’t matter. These are AAA masterpieces that need to break out of the PlayStation mold and find a new home on the PC platform.

10 Killzone 2

The Killzone series hasn’t always enjoyed the best reception; a trend that started with the disappointing original. However, its follow-up sequel proved to be quite a smash hit at a time when the PS3’s advanced new hardware was making waves within the gaming community. Gamers were promised an FPS tour de force, which is exactly what they got.

Killzone 2 needs to find a home on the PC, preferably in a remastered form. That being said, the 2009 original still holds up today in terms of visual splendor. Give it ultra-widescreen and high framerate support, and it could help revitalize the entire franchise for a new audience.

9 God Of War

It’s easy to demand a PC port of the original God of War games, and that’s fine if Sony so chooses, but the 2018 pseudo-reboot is where it’s truly at. This fantastic title somehow managed to successfully build upon the hack n’ slash framework of the original trilogy (and its spinoff titles) while crafting an entirely new experience that tossed out Greek mythology in favor of Norse legends.

The game was widely lauded for its story focus as opposed to frantic battles, not to mention character development between an aged Kratos and his young son. All indicators point towards a sequel in development, so now’s the time for Sony to expand the franchise’s reach beyond the PlayStation platform.

8 Marvel’s Spider-Man

With the recent release of Spider-Man: Miles Morales on the PS5, the soil is rich for a PC port of the original title. This fantastic game blended open-world gameplay with an astonishing level of detail and some of the best superhero video game mechanics ever developed, making it perhaps the best Spider-Man videogame ever released.

The game took everything that make spiritual predecessors like Infamous so great and amped it up with a touch of Marvel mythology. Imagine web-slinging through New York on a 21:9 or 32:9 ultra-wide monitor with enhanced resolutions and refresh rates. It’s the stuff geek dreams are made of.

7 The Last Of Us – Remastered

This list would never be complete without the remastered version of The Last Of Us, and for good reason. It’s Naughty Dog’s crowning achievement – a game that reinvented the post-apocalyptic zombie genre with a fresh spin on the concept, and the characters to drive the story forward.

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The emotional investment of The Last Of Us cannot be overstated. It isn’t just a survival horror title. It’s a gripping and dramatic experience that tells a story boiled down to its most important elements – love, family and togetherness. Time to bring it to a new audience who may never have gotten a chance to experience what the game is all about.

6 Resistance: Fall Of Man

The Resistance series was Sony’s answer to the Gears of War franchise on the Xbox. Ironically, Gears of War saw an initial PC release years ago, while Resistance has pretty much fallen into the annals of FPS history. That’s a shame, because the series was excellent.

Sony could choose to release Resistance as a remastered trilogy three-pack, or it could test the waters by porting the first title to the PC. Either way, gamers would get to experience one of the greatest PS3 shooters on a platform that was practically created for it.

5 Gran Turismo 7

The 7th Gran Turismo title is currently in development, but Sony would be wise to consider a simultaneous release between the PS5 and the PC, if for no other reason than enhancing the worldwide collective of available players. Competition-based gameplay would experience a major boom, not to mention overall sales of the title.

Gran Turismo is a game that relies heavily on its car roster, and that means having the most up-to-date vehicles possible. It wouldn’t make sense to port a title like Gran Turismo 6, which came out in 2013 when the newest entry in the franchise sports the hottest new vehicles money can (and cannot) buy.

4 Little Big Planet

Who could possibly forget Media Molecule’s unbelievably charming Little Big Planet series and its principal antagonist Sackboy? The franchise took a bit of a break before the recent release of Sackboy: A Big Adventure on PS5. Now’s the time for Sony to reinvigorate the series by porting the seminal original to PC.

Let’s be honest – the PC is where Little Big Planet can truly flourish. Not only is it easier to create and share in-game content with friends (and the ‘net in general), but it could also open up a wealth of modding possibilities to dramatically expand the replay value of the game. Seeing this particular title pop up on Steam would be a dream come true.

3 Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

The hilariously cool Nathan Drake needs to step out of the PlayStation arena and venture into some unexplored territory – namely the PC. This title could single-handedly light the PC gaming world on fire with a simple announcement, and sell a mammoth amount of copies at the same time. The cinematic Indiana Jones-style mix of adventure, danger and comedy has been a favorite of PS gamers for years.

Time to introduce the franchise to the PC crowd with a glorious HD update or full-on remaster. The original could easily serve as a springboard for the rest of the sequels to follow suit. It’s hard to imagine Uncharted fizzling out on the PC, provided the port was solid.

2 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots

It’s been 12 years since the final chapter of Solid Snake’s Metal Gear saga wrapped up (for the most part), and many gamers have forgotten just how incredible an experience it really was. Never mind the enormously long cinematic cutscenes; Metal Gear Solid 4 was a stealth action title that blended the best elements from previous titles and assembled them into one dynamite package.

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The fact that MGS4 has never seen a release outside of the PlayStation 3 is puzzling, to say the least. Secondary platforms (including the PC) have received Metal Gear Solid 5 and Metal Gear Rising, which means it’s way past due for an official port of the fourth chapter. The PC crowd can take it.

1 InFAMOUS Second Son

Sucker Punch’s hallmark franchise InFAMOUS belongs on the PC, if for no other reason than the fact that open-world games have become so universally popular across multiple platforms. That, and it’s an absolutely kicking series loaded with excitement, excellent gameplay mechanics and a cool factor beyond measure.

While it would be easy to port the original InFAMOUS to the PC, it might be more advantageous for Sony to leverage Second Son’s refined platforming mechanics and overall critical and commercial success to generate a bigger buzz. Whatever the case, it’s hard to go wrong when porting this title to the PC.

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