Stranded Deep: How to Heal | Game Rant

There are a number of vital stats for players to monitor in Stranded Deep, and Health is perhaps the most obviously important. Indeed, it is absolutely critical that a fan does not allow their Health to reach zero, as failing in this endeavor will lead to their untimely demise. Fortunately, it is possible to heal in Stranded Deep, though the way that is done may not be immediately obvious to all players.

To put things simply, healing in this survival game is directly tied to the Hunger and Thirst vitals that fans can see by looking at their watches. More specifically, a character will gradually heal over time as long as Healthy status in maintained, and that is done by keeping both Hunger and Thirst above four bars. As such, Stranded Deep players that need to gain some Health should look to eat food and drink water in order to improve their Hunger and Thirst levels.

RELATED: Stranded Deep: How to Get Fibrous Leaves

While obtaining the food that is required to maintain a good Hunger vital is a relatively straightforward process, getting enough water in Stranded Deep can prove slightly more difficult. In general, it is recommended that players use a Water Still to combat their Thirst, as this structure allows Fibrous Leaves and Palm Fronds to be reliably turned into drinkable water. Certainly, a Still makes staying Healthy much easier, and fans that have access to one should be able to regain their Health fairly consistently.

To note, there is one more requirement for healing in this title from Beam Team Games, and that is that a character must not be affected by any negative status effects. This means that players that need to gain Health must first address their sunstroke and poison in Stranded Deep, as those effects will prevent any sort of regeneration. Additionally, fans will not be Healthy if they have broken bones, bleeding, or diarrhea, and these effects will need to be taken care of before Health can be regained.

With many games featuring healing items that can instantly bring characters back from the brink of death, the regen system that is described above may feel quite punishing. Players that hope to survive in Stranded Deep will certainly have to do quite a lot of maintenance, and that can be overwhelming at time. However, keeping a character’s Hunger and Thirst sated, while also taking care of negative status effects, should become second nature after spending some time with the title.

Stranded Deep is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Stranded Deep: How to Cook Fish


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