Jedi: Fallen Order – 10 Tips To Help you Survive Grandmaster Difficulty

The RPG Jedi: Fallen Order can be challenging on any difficulty, but Grandmaster can prove a nightmare for even the most hardened Souls-like veterans. Enemies deal more damage, fight more aggressively, and the game requires the player to have excellent timing and reflexes in combat.

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Beating this ultimate difficulty will require the player to master various aspects of the game and improve their skills overall. While there’s no getting around this fact there are a few things players can do to make the process of becoming a Grandmaster much more feasible.

10 Beat Jedi Master Solidly

A good piece of advice before tackling Grandmaster is to beat the action RPG on Jedi Master. The reason for this is that it gives the player a solid grasp of the game’s mechanics, enemy tactics, and overall feel of the game.

It also serves as a litmus test of sorts. If the player is barely limping through the final act on Jedi Master it’s safe to assume that Grandmaster is going to be too much of a challenge. But if the player is in good shape in the game’s final acts on Jedi Master than they can tackle Grandmaster confidently.

9 Master Dodging & Positioning

The damage players can receive in Grandmaster is dialed up significantly. This makes it vitally important to avoid taking damage as often as possible. A good way to achieve this is to master dodging and other avoidance measures.

Part of mastering dodging is also learning to position oneself through dodging. It’s not enough to avoid damage players must learn to avoid the damage and end up in a position where the can launch a counterattack.

8 Become Familiar With The New Enemy Behavior

Another quirk of Grandmaster difficulty is that the enemy will behave differently in battle. Generally speaking they’ll be much more aggressive and which gives the player fewer openings to exploit when attacking.

With this aggression comes a change to attack patterns. Enemies will now use some attacks more than others and perform combos more frequently than before. Learning this new behavior and discovering the new patterns is key to taking enemies down swiftly.

7 Learn Parry Timing

The reason behind dissecting the new enemy behavior is to learn when to trigger Parries. Yet another change in Grandmaster difficulty is that the window to perform a successfully Parry has gotten smaller. In fact, performing a Parry often requires near precision timing and is far less forgiving than on lower difficulties.

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Yet it is important players learn to operate in this short window. Parries remain a powerful tool for both avoiding and dealing damage against enemies. Players trying to beat this action RPG on such a high difficulty without using Parry are in for a rough time so learning to nail that timing is crucial.

6 Heal At The Brink Of Death

Another aspect of timing players will need to learn is when to heal their character. It can be tempting to heal after every encounter, but players will come to realize that two Stim Canisters is not a lot. Even having the full 10 and some of the upgrades often will not cut it.

As a result, players will need to learn to budget their Stims and wait till the red line is blinking. The ideal time is when the player can only take one or two more hits before going down. After the player learns to take less damage and their upgrades improve this is less critical, but in the beginning they’ll need a brush with death before healing.

5 Blitz To Dathomir

It may seem counter-intuitive to rush to one of the hardest parts of the game as soon as possible. Especially when considering that the player won’t be able to travel all that far any way. But there is a vital reason for players to journey to Dathomir as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Tucked away in the shadows of this part of space is the chance for players to gain the Double Lightsaber upgrade. This makes future fights, especially against multiple enemies, much easier. It’s a quick trip that can make all the difference in the early to mid game.

4 Build Around Strategies

It can be tempting to pull up a guide on how to create a master build, but that’s what worked for the player who wrote the guide. That build was created around their own personal preferences and method for playing the game.

Each player will have their own strategies and clever ways of taking down the different enemies of the game. As a result, players should be building their characters around those tricks and techniques unique to themselves. Of course, the player should alter their playstyle a bit if they find themselves struggling against the same enemy over and over again but there’s no need to pigeonhole oneself into another playstyle.

3 Essential Skills

There are some skills in this RPG that any player, no matter their playstyle, should give a strong priority to. Improved Stims gives the player more healing for the finite number of stims in their possession. Superior Blocking minimizes the stamina loss when blocking.

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Leaping Slash is a powerful attack that follows up after an Overhead Slash. Howling Push can send groups of enemies flying or topple large foes off of cliffs, very useful for Dathomir. Then finally Lightsaber Mastery will increase the damage of all lightsaber attacks.

2 End Fights With Force In The Tank

Using Force powers in battle is essential for survival. Players should not be afraid to drain their Force in a fight if it means preserving their Life Essence. That being said they shouldn’t ever waste it and certainly shouldn’t drain all of it at the end of a battle.

The amount of Force the player should walk away with depends on the player and their strategy, but a third of the bar seems reasonable. This gives players enough juice in the tank to use Force in the beginning of a battle and quickly overwhelm threats. The only exception to this is if the player knows a Meditation Point is around the corner.

1 Explore Thoroughly

Grandmaster difficulty is tough and the player will want every advantage available to them in this RPG. The game provides this by sprinkling secret Force and Life Essences throughout the worlds. Because of this players will want to spend some time thoroughly exploring every nook and cranny to maximize their Life and Force.

The other side benefit is that the player will get into more fights with run of the mill enemies. This will provide some much needed leveling and improvement to make the rest of the game easier.

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