Twitch Streamer xQc Wins OfflineTV Rust ‘Court Case’ | Game Rant

Streamer Blaustoise called upon fellow streamer xQc to represent him in a roleplay murder trial on the OTV Rust server. Blaustoise killed SwaggerSouls in-game, leading to him facing other players in a trial. While initially not seeming to be interested, xQc accepted the role and put his all into his performance.

Rust is a multiplayer survival game released in 2013. Content creators BaboAbe and Valkyrae teamed up to host the Offline TV (OTV) Rust server, allowing content creators to team up for both PVP fighting and roleplay. The OTV Rust server has had its fair share of drama, as the main focus of it shifted away from role-playing and centered more on the PVP aspects, upsetting some of the content creators playing, in one case even leading to death threats directed towards a streamer named Ash.

RELATED: Twitch Streamer xQc Responds to Rust Stream Sniping Drama

Twitch streamer xQc is no stranger to controversy, so the choice of a lawyer may have been a wise one. In confusing style, XQC walked into the courtroom and began a speech confirming that his client did indeed commit the crime. “Blaustoise, the handsome man on the left, has asked me to rebuild our walls. When he knows perfectly well that I am incompetent and useless. And he then cold-bloodedly killed this innocent man, Swagger, out of cold blood! He executed him in front of me.” Surprisingly though, he immediately delivered an insanity plea,  “therefore, I plead insanity. My client is losing it. Insanity plead!”

The jury of the fake court case then adjourned upstairs to discuss what the decision would be. After some deliberation, it was decided that “God” would decide. In the end, it was SwaggerSouls who was shot down, meaning that Blaustoise and xQc were deemed the winners of the court case.

It was clear to viewers that xQc, despite the recent controversy, had really gotten into the role. It might have been a switch for the PVP-minded streamer, but this sort of role-playing was more of what the focus of the server was supposed to be. With many viewers and players alike enjoying the trial, the hope for the future of the OTV Rust server is more of this kind of content. With new Rust server features coming, hopes are high.

To combat some of the drama on the server, BaboAbe has decided there will be a new OTV Rust server created on January 17. This server will focus on roleplay, with less PVP going on and fewer people around. While xQc’s competitiveness upset some streamers, Valkyrae herself enjoyed the chaos but said it went too far. Hopefully, this new server will solve most of the drama, and fans can focus on enjoying the content.

MORE: YouTube Streamer Valkyrae Won’t Send Out New OfflineTV Server Invites if Griefing Continues

Source: Dexerto


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