The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel’s 10 Most Mythical Staves | Game Rant

The path of sword and might isn’t the only way to survive in Tamriel. A whole host of fantastical magical abilities are available to aspiring mages. But for those not willing to shoot fire from the palms of their hands there is always the option of using a staff. No staff, however, is one-size-fits-all.

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In fact, there exists quite a number of staves whose powers and origins are positively mythical. No ordinary mage can hope to wield such powerful weapons. Although they all come from different backgrounds it’s undeniable these legendary staves are something special for those who manage to find them.

10 Staff Of The Everscamp

Tangling with the Daedra can often be a dangerous endeavor. Sometimes it’s just annoying. The Staff of the Everscamp from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a prime example of the latter. Along with the Wabbajack this particular staff belongs to Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.

The weapon is unique in that it continuously spawns a quartet of scamps that follow the wielder wherever he goes. Killing the scamps do no good because destroying one causes another to spawn and take its place. The staff itself cannot be dropped or sold, only given to another person who willingly accepts it. It’s not a very powerful weapon, but a troublesome one to be sure.

9 Staff Of Worms

Mannimarco is an Altmeri necromancer who has managed to live for centuries due to his mastery of dark magic. His acolytes seek to further his nefarious plans in the form of the Order of the Black Worm. Like any powerful mage Mannimarco wields his own personal staff, the aptly named Staff of Worms.

Since he’s a necromancer it’s only fitting that Mannimarco’s staff has the ability to reanimate the dead. The Hero of Kvatch can obtain this legendary piece of evil in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion after killing Mannimarco as part of the Mages Guild questline.

8 Aetherial Staff

There are many mysteries buried deep within the caverns of Blackreach. Scattered throughout the subterranean labyrinth is a material known as Aetherium. Only the Dwemer seemed to know how to utilize the rare crystals to their full potential.

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The Dragonborn is able to locate a functioning Aetherium Forge contained within the Dwemer ruin of Bthalft. Once enough Aetherium shards are collected the player has the option of crafting one of three artifacts. The Aetherial Staff, if crafted, is an extremely powerful and unique weapon that harkens back to the days of the Dwemer.

7 Hevnoraak’s Staff

Most Dragon Priests of Skyrim possess sinister backstories. Of their number, perhaps the most evil is Hevnoraak, entombed deep within the walls of Valthume. In life, Hevnoraak was a sadistic tyrant who commanded a large army of followers through a mixture of fear and mind control.

Not content to leave his work unfinished he made plans to resurrect himself after his death. Hevnoraak bides his time in Valthume until he is powerful enough to reenter the world of the living. Defeating him in battle yields the evil sorcerer’s staff, which deals tremendous shock damage.

6 Sanguine Rose

Sanguine is another trickster-like Daedra who delights in pulling the strings of mortals. His staff, crafted in the likeness of a red rose, belies his debauched nature. It has appeared in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The staff’s effects have changed only slightly across those three main entries. It always summons a leveled Daedra when used. However, in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion a degree of unpredictability is introduced in that the summoned creature may not always be an ally. Definitely a “use at your own risk” piece of equipment.

5 Staff Of Jyrik Gauldurson

Jyrik Gauldurson was one of the three sons of Gauldur, the Arch-Mage of Winterhold. The deceitful brothers coveted their father’s magical amulet and ultimately murdered him for it. The perpetrators were eventually hunted down and killed with fragments of the amulet sealed away with the remains of each brother.

Jyrik, as the ringleader of the ancient plot, wields an unusually powerful staff. In addition to regular damage it also depletes the target’s magicka pool. Thus, the weapon is doubly useful if employed against other mages.

4 Ul’vor Staff

Somewhere beneath the depths of the Sea of Pearls lies the realm of the Sea Sloads. Not much is known about this mysterious, Lovecraftian race of creatures. One of their habitations is the kingdom of Ul’vor Kus.

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The Ul’vor Staff is named after this mythical underwater city. The Psijic Order somehow obtained this weapon and stored it in one of their vaults. In The Elder Scrolls Online the Vestige is able to obtain this staff in order to help turn back a Sea Sload incursion in Artaeum.

3 Miraak’s Staff

Miraak is the main antagonist in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. An immensely powerful Dragon Priest who betrayed his masters, Miraak has devoted himself to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. He also holds the distinction of being the First Dragonborn, which puts him on par with the player character in terms of skill.

In addition to his Shouts Miraak also employs a unique staff befitting his legendary status. The staff draws upon the power of Hermaeus Mora by spraying the ground with a mass of poisonous tentacles. It’s a weapon that only a true champion of the Prince of Forbidden Knowledge may wield.

2 Skull Of Corruption

Vaermina, the Mistress of Nightmares, is one of the more malevolent Daedric Princes. Her artifact, known as the Skull of Corruption, is an intimidating staff with plenty of offensive potential. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim it also possesses a psychological aspect that makes it quite unique. The staff is able to harvest the dreams of sleeping individuals. The more dreams collected the more powerful the staff becomes.

Oddly enough, Vaermina’s Skull of Corruption has an entirely different function in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Instead of collecting dreams it actually creates a double of whoever it’s cast at, thereby creating a potential ally for the player.

1 Staff Of Magnus

Magnus is said to be one of the creators of the world in The Elder Scrolls universe. As such, he possesses no corporeal form, but is rather a spirit who inhabits the mortal plane of existence. Certain artifacts are known to have been created by him, one of which is his staff.

According to the in-game lore the Staff of Magnus is one of the oldest artifacts in all of Tamriel. It never stays in the possession of any one mage for very long so as not to upset the magical balance of the universe. It’s quite possibly the most valuable staff a mage can acquire.

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