Rogue Company: 5 Tips For Playing As Dima (& 5 For Playing As Chaac)

With the Arctic Shield update being released, more players are picking up Rogue Company to give it a try than ever before. First Watch Games, a developer under Hi-Rez Studios, has been actively adding new content to the game. Players will find there’s plenty of fun to be had while running and gunning through Rogue Company.

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With fourteen rogues to choose from in the game, there are a lot of nuances to learn. Both Dima and Chaac can be excellent in the hands of the right player. All they need is information on how to use their strengths to maximum effect.

10 For Dima: Don’t Hurt Your Teammates

Dima is a strong character but is capable of being quite volatile against his own team. Nobody wants to take a grenade to the face so players need to make sure when using Dima’s MIRV Launcher that they aren’t causing too much collateral damage. They don’t want to accidentally reveal their allies due to their passive ability either so it’s even more vital to be careful.

9 For Chaac: Time Revives Carefully

One of the best things about Chaac is his ability to revive himself instead of just dying. Rage is an amazing ability that the smartest players will choose to use when the moment is right. Players have ten seconds to work with when put into the Down But Not Out state so they need to know when to wait a few seconds for reinforcements to cover them or heal and hope for luck. There’s nothing wrong with taking a few seconds to access the situation before making that decision.

8 For Dima: Understand Dima’s Range

No one wants to fire a gun only for it to deal no damage. Dima isn’t going to be able to manage long ranged kills and players need to get him into mid-ranged fights where he excels.

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If players are forced to fight from a longer distance, using Dima’s pistol is the best option. It has an abysmal reloading time but is tied for the second-longest range of any pistol in the game. It can also deal a whopping 32 body damage if players get it to hit but that loading time makes every shot count more than usual.

7 For Chaac: Finish Them!

No, Chaac isn’t suddenly in Mortal Kombat, but he can still manage to finish off opponents and make them stay down. The Semtex Grenade might be one of the best grenades in any shooter ever as its damage and explosion radius is devastating. If Chaac sees an enemy in the Down But Not Out state all he needs to do is throw the grenade to make sure no one is coming to their rescue.

6 For Dima: Avoid Hacking And EMP Grenades

No one wants to suddenly become useless but unfortunately, Dima has the potential to become a weakness at a moment’s notice. EMP Grenades can instantly render his grenades, grenade launcher, and minimap entirely useless if they hit. Not to mention he can be hacked which does the same. If this happens the other team is given a major opportunity to push so avoid it happening at all costs.

5 For Chaac: Know How To Deal Damage

If players are hoping to deal damage using the Spitfire pistol they might be delusional. It is literally the weakest pistol in the game. Chaac players will want to use his shotgun, the SKL-6, as it is the most damaging shotgun the game has to offer. The D40-C has a large magazine size but those extra bullets won’t always lead to more damage with how horribly slow it reloads.

4 For Dima: Know When To Push

Dima is capable of dealing massive swaths of damage but if he attempts to do so at the wrong time he’ll just end up Down But Not Out in a heartbeat. Dima works best when fighting at mid-range but he has tools to help push back enemies or create openings for his team.

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His grenade launcher is particularly good at this. Most players will use it to get enemies out of cover, but the best Dima players will know how to aim them carefully to separate opponents and make openings to get into. It can even be used if utterly desperate to push opponents back during a retreat.

3 For Chaac: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, And Dodge(Roll)

A good Chaac player is going to be able to dodge roll into cover to not only avoid taking hits but hide long enough to revive themselves once in a Down But Not Out state. Chaac players should make sure to really understand the map they are playing on so they will be able to manage this masterful movement. Once they do, the enemy team will be groaning in frustration on how they can’t take him out.

2 For Dima: Pick Perks Carefully

Dima has many excellent perks available but not all perks are created equal. Bounce Back and Nimble Hands are particularly strong and generally work in most situations. Nimble Hands is especially useful with the pathetically low reload times for The Executioner. Replenish is good if players have the skills necessary to use it for extending their killing rampage.

1 For Chaac: Pick Perks Carefully

Life Drain and Replenish are basically required perks for Chaac, avoiding these would be a mind-blowingly bad mistake. Players can consider taking Shredder Rounds when going up against Anvil or Cloaked against enemy rogues like Gl1tch, Phantom, Dallas, and Talon. Stalker and Helping Hand should be ignored entirely.

NEXT: The 10 Best Arena Shooters Of All Time, Ranked


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