Pokemon: The 10 Best Pokemon To Use For Hazard Control

For casual players, Pokemon can often feel like a very binary game. A lot of battles in the main story can boil down to selecting the best attack to win or cheesing with X-Items. However, competitive battles have a lot of extra layers to manage and build a team around. One of the longest-standing and most important parts of battle to manage for any trainer are entry hazards.

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Although entry hazards were introduced in Gen 2 with Spikes, they didn’t rise to prominence until the addition of more variety in Gen 4. Primarily, trainers will likely be familar with Stealth Rock, a status move that does percent max-health damage on entry into battle. The damage is determined based on the Pokemon’s resistance (or weakness) to Rock-type attacks. These rocks alone shape a lot of the metagame, as powerful Pokemon that are weak to rocks require support in the form of hazard control. For trainers in need of such support, there are plenty of options to try out.

10 Cloyster

Cloyster is a Pokemon that has a lot of options for builds. In many cases, trainers will opt into using Shell Smash to allow Cloyster to clean up opposing teams. This strategy works well in mid-tiers of play, but in the highest tiers Cloyster has trouble finding enough safety to sweep. Fortunately, Cloyster has another powerful and effective strategy: hazard setter and cleaner.

Cloyster is strong at hazard control for a few reasons. Obviously, the fact it knows Rapid Spin is vital. In addition, its astronomical defense allows it to tank physical hits even after a Shell Smash. With Icicle Spear and Skill Link creating a dangerous combo for many premier leads, Cloyster can deal some serious damage. On top of all of that, Cloyster can set its own layer of Spikes or Toxic Spikes, creating even more pressure. Unlike other Kanto Pokemon, Cloyster should also be considered.

9 Skarmory


Skarmory has lived much of its life as a supportive Pokemon. It has fantastic defensive typing and a collection of great utility-based attacks. It’s very easily walled by Taunt due to a poor offensive presence, but the support it provides is often worth it. For the purposes of hazard control, it has a couple of different options.

Most importantly, Skarmory has access to Defog like many other flying-types. It can set its own hazards as well, but Defog clears hazards from both sides of the field. Proper timing is used to maximize effectiveness. Skarmory can also bring techniques like Toxic to deal damage over time, Roost to restore its own HP, and Whirlwind is an option to force the opponent to take entry hazard damage. Skarmory may no longer be the premier steel-type bird, but it still has its uses.

8 Tentacruel

Although some trainers, particularly those familiar with Gen 3 games, will likely have their eyes glaze over upon seeing this Pokemon, Tentacruel still lives up to its name. This Pokemon has never been bad enough to dip into low tiers of play, much like Cloyster. And, also like Cloyster, this is primarily because of its ability to control hazards.

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Tentacruel packs a lot of speed and incredible bulk. This, in combination with Rapid Spin, lets it clear hazards without issue. However, what makes Tentacruel particularly useful are the other techniques it brings. Scald can apply burns, Sludge Bomb and Toxic Spikes can apply poison, and Knock Off can clear items. Most importantly, it frequently has space to bring along Haze, a move that stops set-up sweepers in their tracks.

7 Gliscor

It is unlikely at this point that Gliscor will get its green card to enter Gen 8 competitive battles, but its history shows what it’s capable of. Gliscor boasts a great statline and solid typing in combination with a whole ocean of fantastic moves. There are number of ways to build Gliscor to fit any team composition. And, of course, that includes hazard control.

Gliscor gets access to Defog, like other flying types. It doesn’t have the same crippling weakness to rocks that other fliers have, however, pairing nicely. Roost allows it to tank hits and continue clearing hazards if need be. Plus, even a Gliscor not specialized for offense can still pack a mean Earthquake attack. Combined with either Knock Off as an aggressive option or Toxic as a passive one, Gliscor completes its role in neutering popular hazard setters.

6 Tapu Fini

As shown, a hazard control Pokemon is only good so long as they can effectively deal with hazard setting Pokemon. In every tier, there are premier hazard setters that must be accounted for when building a tier. For the highest tiers of play, Tapu Fini serves fantastically at its niche role of checking a majority of the prominent entry hazard setters in the metagame.

Tapu Fini is one of few Pokemon that has access to Defog while not being weak to Stealth Rocks. On top of this, Nature’s Madness is incredibly effective at shredding defensive walls by inflicting set damage. Combined with either a terrain-boosted Moonblast or a Scald, and Tapu Fini can clear out many of the best hazard setters. And for those that don’t get checked, Taunt stops the rest in their tracks.

5 Regieleki

Currently, it isn’t known just where Regieleki will land in the current metagame. The newly added legendary in The Crown Tundra is the first Regi to even be arguably viable in a long, long time. Its insane speed and fair offense are its biggest boons, although it has the defense of styrofoam. This would typically mean that it would take a glass cannon role, but it has another theorized moveset.

Regieleki is capable of performing a set that has it perform a role as a lead in battle. This typically sets it opposite of a hazard setter at the start of the battle. The moveset uses the incredibly effective Held Item known as the Light Clay to allow Reflect and Light Screen to last much longer. With the screens set, Regieleki has the option to Rapid Spin and clear hazards before blowing itself up.

4 Tornadus

Most hazard clearers don’t pack insane offensive presence, taking a supportive role. Of course, there are a few outliers, and one of them is Tornadus-Therian. While maybe not as iconic as its brother Lando-T, Tornadus-T packs similar strengths in the form of meaty bulk and fantastic offense with a number of different build options.

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One of the most effective sets is its Pivot set. This pairs Defog up with U-Turn, allowing it to do its job in clearing hazards before quickly pivoting to a Pokemon better suited for the matchup. Since the switch will occur before more hazards hit the field, it allows an opening for certain Pokemon to enter the arena. Combined with Knock Off and Hurricane as offensive options, this set gives Tornadus-T everything it needs.

3 Pelipper

The glow-up of Pelipper is an inspiring story that all trainers can feel empowered by. For years, this bird sat in the pits of competitive play, unable to compete to the point that it couldn’t even be considered underrated. However, through years of training, this beloved bird learned how to summon rain with the Drizzle ability. This, among other qualities, shot Pelipper right to the top.

Pelipper, first and foremost, is incredible at setting up weather for rain teams. However, one of the things it can do for its team is hazard control. Its typing isn’t incredible for this purpose, but it fits the role well. With Scald or Hydro Pump boosted by rain, it can blast a hole through a number of premier hazard setters. For those it can’t wash away, it can always just pivot out with U-Turn.

2 Excadrill

Excadrill has always been an incredible Pokemon. Great defensive typing combined with an incredibly good statline, particularly in its attack stat. It also has a moveset perfect for challenging a majority of the hazard setters, with Earthquake and Iron Head providing solid coverage. And, of course, it packs Rapid Spin to clear the field with ease.

It’s really amazing how little Excadrill has changed in the generations since Black and White. Its best moveset hasn’t budged at all. However, for teams lacking their own hazards, Excadrill can also bring Stealth Rocks into the game. Its low defense doesn’t really allow it to get a lot done in a supportive role, but it still has the tools to make it work fairly well.

1 Corviknight

The other steel-bird, Corviknight, shares a lot of similarities with Skarmory. However, their differences lie in their usage in battle. Skarmory is typically a fully supportive Pokemon, and it plays that role better than anyone. Corviknight trades that utility for a bit more bulk and a lot more of an offensive presence.

Corviknight’s ability, Pressure, is fantastic for PP-Stalling in combination with Roost. U-Turn allows it to abandon bad matchups and escape Magnet Pull, something Skarmory can’t do. There are a few different offensive options, but Body Press is a great choice. It brings Defog, as always, to clear out hazards on the field. This set can also drop Defog for more offense, but that’s not nearly as fun.

Next: 10 Pokemon That Are Way Weaker Than You Think


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