The Witcher 3: Everything You Need To Know About Aard | Game Rant

A crucial part of the combat in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is mixing swordplay with signs. These hand-woven sigils scribed in the air by witchers are essentially simple spells that can be used to great effect. Immolating flammable foes with Igni or enveloping oneself in a Quen shield are the two most obviously useful in combat, however, Aard offers battle potential as well as much more.

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In addition to repelling certain attacks, knocking back enemies, disarming warriors, and stunning monsters, Aard can destroy certain obstacles that appear before the White Wolf. This magical sign is a telekinetic power in which the user thrusts outwardly in a gust of sheer will formed into wind. Despite being well known, some witchers may not know everything about this efficient little spell. There are some details and mechanics that go unnoticed by most that could be especially interesting, exceptionally useful, or both.

10 Casting Gesture

According to Yennefer, Aard is a simple spell of “Psychokinetic Magic” that requires great focus and mental control to use effectively. To unleash this magical sign, the user must keep all fingers, except the middle, extended. Then draw the sigil in the air in front of oneself.

Following this, they must point their hand towards their desired target. Finally, the witcher must focus their mind and thrust forth with mental might. Since there is a potential for collateral damage, it is recommended to point one’s hand away from family and friends.

9 Elemental Balance

Aard is a spell that uses two elements: Mind and Air. Mind magic revolves around the user’s thoughts manipulating their surroundings, such as telekinesis and telepathy. This element even governs magic that influences or deals with dreams, like Oneiromancy.

Air magic pertains to the sky as well as weather. The use of lighting and electric based spells are within the sphere of Air magic, which is sometimes referred to as “Aeromancy”. Aard combines the mental fueling from Mind and the rush of wind from Air to generate a hybrid spell that even non-mages can comprehend and utilize.

8 Destroying Obstacles

Sometimes in Geralt’s travels, particularly in decrepit ruins or rundown hovels, there will be debris blocking his path. It may be possible to go around, however, the most direct path to one’s destination is always a straight line. Going through an obstacle can save quite a lot of time and effort.

These walls are distinguishable from other scenery by looking cracked and having gaps that one can peer through. For a nice shortcut or access to secret treasure, blast away at such weathered areas with Aard. Worth noting that one can also break through some weaker doors with this same tactic.

7 Stuns & Executions

In combat, there are multiple ways to stun foes. Using heavy weapons can do the trick, however, they are slow and clumsy. The stun effect is best used on enemies who are low on health, as getting stunned at this point will open them up to execution attacks.

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When the White Wolf is doing battle with many foes, dispatching them as quickly as possible is usually the smartest method. Using Aard is a quick way to set weakened foes on their back and finish them off. Even against healthy adversaries, it can delay them for a few moments. Seconds that could be crucial in healing or evading,

6 Fell Flying Foes

Enemies out of range of one’s sword can be a pain to fight. Thankfully, there is an easy way to bring them within reach of a blade. Airborn monsters are particularly susceptible to Aard. Without a way to stabilize themselves, a strong, sudden force can knock them out of the sky.

Blasting such fiends, like harpies, with this maneuver is usually the quickest and easiest way to deal with these feathered menaces. Once downed, simply approach and bury a silver blade into the hideous creatures.

5 Horseback Implementation

While upon Roach, Geralt’s trusty steed, the most effective combat response to human foes is to charge at them, steel sword drawn, and cut them down at full speed. However, the reverse is far from an impossible occurrence. Roach may not be around if Geralt is set upon by foes on horseback and may not have time to call for and mount his equine ally.

Thankfully, Aard can be used to even the battlefield. Most bandits and soldiers cannot stay in their saddles if hit directly by a blast and will be sent hurtling to the ground, where they will stay for a few moments. When they are fully knocked down like this, Geralt can easily stroll up to them and finish them off with an execution.

4 Flaying A Foglet

Foglets are necrophage monsters that lurk in vapors born of water. They can go invisible in these hazy conditions and strike down the unaware. Even witchers sometimes have trouble keeping track of these fiends under less than ideal visual conditions.

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While a foglet is veiled in mist, try to track the fastest bit of fog. Launch an Aard sign in that direction and one can not only dispel the necrophage’s illusion but also potentially stun it enough to be killed in a deft slash or two.

3 Crowd Control

Aard is already a useful skill, though witchers can improve it to get even better. At higher tiers, players can unlock some great perks. The first that should be noted is Far-Reaching Aard, which extends the range at which it can be used. This is immensely useful and helpful in every situation where one would need this sign.

The next is Aard Sweep, an alternate way to use this sign where Geralt aims his mental focus at the ground to create an area of effect thrust that pushes everything around the witcher away. This is excellent for when the White Wolf finds himself surrounded and needs to get some foes to back off.

2 Instant Kills

As Geralt finds himself in different kinds of terrain, he will have different combat options available to him. Cliffs and other high areas can cause fights against multiple adversaries to be even more tricky than usual due to the lack of space to maneuver, though the smartest witchers can turn this weakness into a strength.

Gravity is usually the greatest weapon in video games and in The Witcher 3, things are no different. For the quickest and cleanest kills in the game, especially against human targets, simply position oneself so that Geralt is facing an enemy who is before a ledge and then unleash Aard to send them falling to their doom.

1 Freeze Foes

Of all the talents for Aard, there is one that stands out as chillingly effective at killing enemies. Piercing Cold adds a 25% chance to freeze foes hit by the attack. Since this talent applies to the Aard Sweep alternate mode, one can let out a frigid AoE wave at many surrounding foes.

The freeze effect also stacks with knockdown and outright kills any enemy simultaneously afflicted by both. Those that do no freeze will still take massive damage.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: The 10 Biggest Plotholes In The Game


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