PS5 Exclusive Returnal Pre-Order Bonus Suits Revealed | Game Rant

Housemarque’s intriguing PlayStation exclusive Returnal looks like a game with unique combat systems and a memorable story, and those interested should be happy to know it is quickly closing in on its launch date. As such, the pre-order bonus for Returnal has officially been revealed.

While Returnal‘s focus may be on keeping players interested for long periods of time via a highly replayable time loop gameplay style, fans will have the option to customize protagonist Selene with several different suits as well. While it is unclear if these alternate suits offer unique gameplay advantages and skills like the costumes in Insomniac’s Spider-Man series, players have at least been given an idea of what the alternate designs will look like in the AAA roguelike.

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If players pre-order the PlayStation 5 exclusive, they will be given access to two different costumes: the ASTRA Model 9 Prototype Suit and the ASTRA Model 14 Tactical Suit. The “prototype” title of the Model 9 is appropriate, as the unique look sees Selene decked out in an outfit covered in exposed wires. The more rugged look looks fitting of a character trapped on an alien planet full of strange technology and creatures, the black and yellow costume could quickly become a fan favorite.

The Model 14 Tactical suit, on the other hand, does a better job of protecting Returnal’s tortured main character. While the costume will not help fix the issues caused by Selene’s previous trauma, it looks like it will do a fine job of preventing her from suffering any further damage. No exposed wires are seen on this finished variant of the ASTRA outfit, with some unique metal chest armor and a more complex color scheme seen in the design.

The suits should certainly be enticing to players that care about cosmetics, and the news of the pre-order bonus could help catch the eye of players unfamiliar with the project. With Returnal boasting a massive arsenal of weapons for players to use, as well as special alien tools to provide unique buffs, the fast-paced game is looking to be highly replayable. With plenty constantly happening in-game, though, it seems like players will be too busy focusing on all the hazards and enemies to worry about what they are wearing once a fight begins.

With Housemarque director recently detailing the origins of Returnal and highlighting how the game is a passion project for the team, it certainly seems like plenty of care has been put into its development. Fans will find out if it lives up to expectations when it launches in a couple of months.

Returnal releases exclusively for the PlayStation 5 on March 19, 2021.

MORE: Housemarque Shows New Returnal Gameplay with Hookshot and DualSense Features


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