Creepy Microsoft Patent Lets Chatbot AI Imitate Dead People

As future technological developments continue to get better, the capabilities for these inventions keep evolving, as well. And when it comes to artificial intelligence development, there have already been major improvements to make this a common reality.

When it comes to gaming, companies such as Electronic Arts and its AI patent have strived to bring AI to the world of video games to make gameplay NPCs more realistic. Now, Microsoft has acquired a patent to develop AI technology in a different direction.

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Microsoft’s development patent plan for artificial intelligence, “Creating a Conversational Chatbot of a Specific Person,” involves creating chatbot programs based on dead people’s personal information. In doing so, the company would be able to preserve the memory of loved ones in the digital realm forever.

The artificial program works by analyzing various data sources from dead people such as: images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages, and other personal information. The program would be able to look at pictures of people and create 2D or 3D images to embody the AI program. Not only loved ones, but the program would also be able to copy fictional characters, celebrities, and historical figures. And if people really wanted to, Microsoft says they will be able to train AI’s to copy their own essence in the event of their death.

This development is already a reality for some people. In October of 2020, Kanye West bought an AI hologram of Kim Kardashian’s father for her 40th birthday. During the conversation with her AI father, it spoke as Robert Kardashian and insisted that Kim become a lawyer and carry on his legacy. In a separate incident, one of the co-founders of a technology company called Luka, Eugenia Kuyda, also developed an AI program based on 8,000 lines of text messages from her friend who passed away. And while Kuyda said the technology isn’t perfect, it is already drastically improved from where AI technology was a year ago.

There are plenty of moral questions surrounding this issue, and many television shows and movies tackle this concept as well. One could bring up the idea of how this does preserve the memories of loved ones and tap into the psyche of ancient figures. Others could bring up how it isn’t really them and how this could pose huge identity theft problems. In the end, it will be Microsoft’s responsibility to prevent itself and the public from misusing this technology and plummeting the world into a real-life Terminator movie.

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Source: The United States Patent and Trademark Office


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