Resident Evil: 5 Key Things That Need To Stay In The Games (& 5 That Should Change)

Capcom’s Resident Evil series innovated the path for the survival-horror genre. Following its footsteps included the illustrious Konami series, Silent Hill, among others. Yet today, Capcom remains the leading name in its genre.

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However, while the series has featured some of the greatest games of all time, not every title garnered universal acclaim. Even among the best, some titles were held back by a few flaws. For better or for worse, these beautiful, and often imperfect titles, feature outstanding elements as well as some which could be done away with.

10 Needs to Stay – Alternating Characters

One of the best things about the series is how each game focuses on different characters. Chris and Jill in the first Resident Evil, Leon and Claire in Resident Evil 2, Jill in Resident Evil 3, and then Claire and Chris in Code Veronica. It gives flavor and identity to each game and showcases BOW outbreaks happening in different parts of the world.

While the game sadly did not live up to its potential, Resident Evil 6 did a great job of tying in Chris, Leon, Sherry, and Ada’s stories together in an apocalyptic scenario. Unfortunately, it seems that Resident Evil 8 will be directly following Resident Evil 7‘s storyline. While this promotes a chance to add some more incredible storytelling for the series, this also loses the chance to bring back old favorite characters, such as Carlos who recently appeared in Resident Evil 3 remake.

9 Needs to Go – Radical Redesigns

Over the course of the series, several characters received facelifts from the PS1 era into the modern-day. Ada got a new haircut, Jill got blonde hair, and Sherry grew up. For what it’s worth, these are just development parts for beloved classic characters.

What’s not okay, however, is Chris’ design in Resident Evil 7 and 8. Capcom seemed to perfectly establish Chris’ design and his voicework with Roger Craig Smith. This design was even used in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Yet for some reason, he’s grayer, lost 100 lbs., and does not look like Chris at all in the most recent numbered titles.

8 Needs to Stay – Tyrant

One element that has more or less stayed in the series since Resident Evil 2 is the stalking menace. Originally this was the Tyrant in Resident Evil 2 for the “B” scenarios of the storyline. This concept evolved into Nemesis in Resident Evil 3 who became notorious in the fanbase.

While the element has resurfaced throughout the series, none hit with more impact than Tyrant in the Resident Evil 2 remake. His stomping boots, incredible strength, and chilling theme music in the classic soundtrack made Tyrant a step above anything else that’s come before him. This built true suspense and horror in the player and helped define Resident Evil 2 as the key survival horror game to play. Even if Tyrant himself doesn’t show up in newer titles, whatever stalking menace that appears in its place had better well be just as intimidating.

7 Needs to Go – Maps That Don’t Show Completion

One of the best things about Resident Evil‘s remake was how a room would change color on the map when you found all the items. This allowed for less unneeded backtracking and guaranteed the player’s advancement as they no longer needed to investigate.

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For some reason, it seems that Resident Evil 7 did away with this element. Maps won’t change color or showcase a complete inventory. This takes navigating back a step from before. While it came back in Resident Evil 2‘s remake, one can hope that Capcom doesn’t change their mind once more and swap back to leaving players in the dark.

6 Needs to Stay – The Mercenaries

One of the best parts in Resident Evil 4 came from the side-mode which players unlocked after clearing the game. Originally introduced in Resident Evil 3, The Mercenaries featured a Score Attack-based mini-game where players could rack up score based on the kills they earned against hordes of enemies.

The Mercenaries featured multiple unlockable characters who all had their own arsenal. Plus the mode carried over to later games in the series. While several recent titles have their own modes unlocked, The Mercenaries should remain a staple in the series.

5 Needs to Go – Resistance

On the flipside of extra modes, Resistance added a new online multiplayer mode to Resident Evil 3. Take the asymmetric flair of Dead By Daylight and give it the Resident Evil flavor. In doing so, Capcom accomplished nothing.

Resistance never picked up the steam Capcom intended it to. This online multiplayer mode came with Resident Evil 3 at full price. Whether Capcom could have spent more time on the main campaign or always intended to shoehorn this mode, it never quite took off either way.

4 Needs to Stay – Unlockables

One of the most enjoyable elements of the series comes from the unlockables. These largely include extra single-player modes or unlockable characters such as Wesker in Resident Evil Zero. This also includes numerous weapons as well as the aforementioned Mercenaries Mode.

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Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 7 both offer up their fair share of fun mini-game modes which include score attacks or escape and survival. The Resident Evil remake also offered several new challenges such as One Dangerous Zombie and invisible enemy mode. These incentives become an enjoyable key part for anyone wanting to replay the game or try a new mode to unwind on.

3 Needs to Go – Dramatic Horror

While Resident Evil 7, 2 remake, and 3 remake were good about this, the titles preceding them were guilty of including suspenseful dramatic horror. Resident Evil 5 and 6 were especially guilty of cheesy B-movie action sequences and other cliches seen in thriller movies. This replaces the atmospheric survival horror which made the series famous.

Resident Evil 6 in particular was focused more on being an apocalyptic thriller than a horror game. Suffice to say there was no horror in the game at all and most of the disturbing sequences came from the appearance of the grotesque B.O.Ws. In case Capcom ever feels like branching out again, one can only hope that they don’t get any ideas to go back to those games.

2 Needs to Stay – Alternate Costumes

Another enjoyable unlockable in the series comes from the costumes. Whether it’s making Rebecca a cheerleader or giving Leon his classic RPD uniform, costumes are a new way to enjoy the game. Adding some fashion sense gives a new perspective on approaching a zombie apocalypse.

Claire’s classic outfit in Resident Evil 2 remake and Jill’s classic outfit in Resident Evil 3 remake are two solid examples. Leon also gained a Chicago gangster outfit in Resident Evil 4. Speaking of Resident Evil 4, Ashley’s armor actually became a practical way to keep her out of danger at all times since it affected the gameplay as well!

1 Needs to Go – Spiders

Much like with the dramatic horror element, Capcom has been quite good about not throwing these abominations towards players in recent games. However, it goes without saying that players stay on their toes playing through Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3‘s remakes expecting that they might jump out. Without any official confirmation, unless they consult a guide, they might be ready for an arachnid ambush at any moment.

For the arachnophobes in the fanbase, spiders are by far the worst enemies in the series. They add an unwanted layer of terror for players who can deal with the surprise enemy encounters, grotesque B.O.Ws, and the feeling of suspense throughout the game. With that being said, once again, players can only hope that spiders never make their return to the series.

NEXT: Resident Evil 3: 15 Best Items To Buy From The Shop (& How Much They Cost)


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