Java Weekly, Issue 370

1. Spring and Java

>> Java 1.0 Turns 25 []

Write once, run everywhere turns 25 – a brief history of Java evolution throughout these 25 years!

>> Interview with Brian Goetz []

Becoming the Java language architect – how it was started for Brain Goetz and how it’s going!

>> Spring Batch on Kubernetes: Efficient batch processing at scale []

Creating fault-tolerant, robust, cost-efficient, observable, and scalable batch processes using Spring Batch!

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Patterns of Distributed Systems: Idempotent Receiver []

The art of handling duplicate requests: designing robust distributed systems with idempotency in mind.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> Latency Numbers Every Team Should Know []

Rethinking teams as systems – more effective operations by shortening the feedback loops and minimizing delays!

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Doing Nothing Is A Decision []

>> Customers Are Dead People []

>> Teamwork But []

5. Pick of the Week

>> Do Things That Don’t Scale []

The post Java Weekly, Issue 370 first appeared on Baeldung.


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