Epic Games Store to ramp up exclusives

You may have thought that Epic has slowed down its rush to sign exclusive games with the Epic Games Store, but that’s not the case at all.

Epic Games has revealed that it plans to continue attracting game developers and publishers to its Epic Games Store PC platform by offering them exclusive deals.

In fact, a company spokesperson told PC Gamer that Epic Store exclusives coming over the next two years are more than all the exclusives published so far. The statement was in response to a speculative feature by the site, which suggested that Epic has moved away from buying exclusive rights to games in recent months.

The company did not elaborate on this further, but it’s a particularly interesting statement nonetheless. So far, at least, the list of games we know are Epic Store exclusives isn’t long, which means the majority of games have yet to be revealed.

The news follows Epic’s release last month, where the developer/publisher revealed pretty telling statistics about the health of the Epic Store. Despite growing its userbase by millions, spending on third-party games barely increased over the course of 2020, with the lion’s share of activity instead going to the weekly free game giveaways.

In a statement, Epic reiterated its commitment to expanding the Epic Store’s feature set, particularly on the developer end. The company is currently working on a self-publishing system that would allow any developer – once signed – to release and update their games without Epic’s interference, something they can do today on Steam.

Epic also previously said it plans to continue the free giveaways, for the remainder of 2021.

The post Epic Games Store to ramp up exclusives appeared first on VG247.


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