Call Of Duty Warzone: Ranking The Best Ghost Secondary Weapons

Warzone players have two choices when getting their first loadout, get ghost with their first class, or wait until the free loadout. With the right secondary, players can wait until the free loadout drops to get their SMG or sniper. The Snakeshots, dual Renettis, and dual Diamattis have all been nerfed over the past few seasons, and players are looking for new viable secondary weapons.

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Getting ghost with players’ first loadout is an incredible advantage in the early stages of a match. Sweaty players will have their loadout and a UAV as soon as possible, and begin hinting red pings on the map. Warzone players should feel confident using the weapons at the bottom of this list early in the game.

The M79 is a gimmick weapon that players should not use in a competitive match. The launcher will disable enemy vehicles with one shot, but it will not blow them up. The RPG is a much better option for players who enjoy using a launcher as a secondary.

The 1911 has modest damage and a fair amount of visual recoil. The pistol is not as strong as the magnums or the .50 GS, and it is not as accurate as several of the pistols below. Players should stay away from the 1911 in Warzone.

While the .357 has high damage for a pistol, it is difficult to use and has a tricky recoil pattern. Players can attempt to use the gun in an akimbo class, but it is just too inconsistent to consider using in Warzone after the snake shot nerf.

The Cold War magnum has less recoil than the .357, but the weapon suffers from having poor iron sights and a slow fire rate. The Magnum also has hit detection issues. Players that want a two-shot pistol are better off using the .50 GS.

The X16 pistol is the spawn pistol in Warzone’s Verdansk modes. The gun has below average damage values for a pistol, but it is simple to use and the gun has controllable recoil. With the right attachments, the gun is an effective secondary to use on weakened enemies.

When the Renetti was first added to the game, it was incredibly powerful at close range. With the three-round burst mod and akimbo, players could erase enemies at point-blank range.

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After the nerf, the Renetti is still a good option as a single pistol secondary. Like the X16, the Renetti does not have amazing damage ranges, but it is extremely accurate even at intermediate ranges.

Players may have nightmares about the RPG meta early in the life cycle in Warzone, but the launcher is still a reliable ghost secondary weapon. Players without E.O.D or full plates will be downed with just one rocket. It is also useful to have a launcher for cars and helicopters early in the match. The RPG can be used in a variety of ways, and players can rely on the gun until they get their second primary weapon.

The M19 is a great pistol with good damage, recoil, and iron sights. Players can try out the akimbo class, or use the gun to finish off enemies without armor plates. Players will be surprised by how quickly the gun will down enemies with accurate shots.

The .50 GS is one of the best finishers in the game. Players without armor plates can be downed with one shot to the head or two shots to the chest. The Desert Eagle pairs perfectly with an assault rifle early in the game. Despite having a lot of visual recoil, the gun’s recoil pattern is primarily vertical. Players will have a lot of fun using the underrated pistol early in matches.

Even after the nerf early in Season 1, the Diamatti is still the best ghost secondary to use in Warzone. Players can use the akimbo class, which is still viable at point-blank range. The Diamatti without the akimbo perk is a slightly more adaptable weapon for players to use, and it will down enemies in two to three bursts. Players that use the three-round burst gun will have a time to kill that competes with almost every SMG and shotgun in the game at close range. Players that choose to grab ghost with their first loadout should be using the Diamatti.

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