Ryan Coogler’s Disney+ Series Can Do This To Expand On Wakanda’s History

With the news that Ryan Coogler is set to direct a Wakanda series on Disney Plus, fans naturally began to wonder what exactly the series would be exploring. Since it’s not a mainline MCU film, and so far has not been confirmed to be about any Black Panther storyline specifically, the show could really touch on any number of topics.

Wakanda was introduced to the world in Black Panther, and since there has only been one Black Panther movie so far, Marvel hasn’t had much of a chance to explore the country further, other than as a backdrop for the final battle of Infinity War. With this series, the MCU could examine Wakanda at length, and give voice to stories that previously would have been impossible in the constraints of a movie. This series could be the perfect chance to expand upon the fictional nation and its rich history and culture. So what are some of the avenues that Coogler could explore in the series?

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The Black Panther movie gave us a brief look at the lineage and ceremony behind the Black Panther, but it would be interesting to hear more about the history of the hero. Unlike other superheroes in the MCU, the Black Panther is a title handed down through the history of the kingdom to warriors and has existed as long as Wakanda has. The Wakanda Disney Plus series could explore this rich history, and go more into detail about the Black Panther line of succession, and the science or magic behind the Heart-Shaped Herb’s gift of superhuman abilities.

This could lead into the history of the formation of Wakanda, as the beginnings of Black Panther as a superhero are tied in with that story. The first Black Panther was the one who united the five tribes that became Wakanda. It would be really interesting to get a sort of history lesson on the nation, and learn about different rulers and Black Panthers, and how Wakanda became the technical marvel that it is today.

On that note, the show could give us a better look at Vibranium and the ways in which it is harvested and used to make technology and weapons for the Wakandans. Vibranium has been of importance throughout much of the MCU, and the Wakanda series could finally delve deeper on what all of its properties are, and how the people of Wakanda use it, even in their daily life.

While the technology of Wakanda is amazing, it has yet to be fully explained, and it would be great if the series took the time to outline why Vibranium is so important and how it has shaped the nation. It might be a good chance to show off Shuri’s inventions, and how this young girl has managed to use Vibranium to further their country as much as she has.

The different tribes that make up Wakanda are briefly shown in Black Panther, but there is not a lot of time spent on them or what makes each one unique. It would be really interesting for the show to dive deeper into the individual tribes and their traditions and cultures, especially as many of them are inspired by real African tribes. Expanding on the different tribes would add a sense of depth to the world, and could make Wakanda feel even more real and fleshed out.

There haven’t been many instances in the MCU so far of showing how the world dealt with things after the blip; we only get small pieces of information, and mostly from the perspective of the Avengers. It would be fascinating to see how Thanos’s snap affected Wakanda, especially considering the fact that the battle took place on their soil, and we know that both T’Challa and Shuri were blipped in the snap. The show could examine how Wakanda deals with the destruction of the battle and the aftermath of losing so many people, including a large chunk of their monarchy.

Would Wakanda suffer post-blip, or would they rebuild and be stronger than ever? What happens after five years when everyone who was blipped is brought back? These are the kinds of questions that would be interesting to see answered in the MCU, but especially within the nation of Wakanda, because they are more unique and advanced than anyone else we’ve seen in the franchise thus far.

One of the more memorable elements of Black Panther is the all-female warrior group of the Dora Milaje (aka Wakanda’s armed forces), and it would fun to see them on screen for an extended amount of time.

The Wakanda series could focus on the history of the Dora Milaje: how they were formed, how they train, and what traditions they have, if any. A history of the Dora Milaje could combine the Wakandan history idea with a lot of exciting action scenes and fight choreography, and it would just be really interesting to see these women in action again. Perhaps we would even get to know some of the individual warriors within the group, other than just Okoye.

The series could also focus on how the Dora Milaje specifically deals with the after-effects of the snap, from the cleanup of the battlefield to the trauma of losing family, friends, and fellow soldiers. Since the Dora Milaje really seems like the backbone of Wakanda, it would be interesting to see how they deal with the tragedy of the blip, and how they get Wakanda through those five years.

No matter which direction the Wakanda series decides to take, it’s sure to give a lot more insight on Wakanda as a country, and with someone as skilled as Ryan Coogler at the helm, it’s guaranteed to be a hit. If Black Panther is anything to go by, the Wakanda Disney Plus series might give fans the kind of content we haven’t seen much of in the MCU so far.

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