Call of Duty Mobile Sliding Issue Addressed By Activision

In the Call of Duty Mobile environment, sliding is considered a professional and tactical moving option. Players practice for hours to master their slide as it can help reduce hitbox size and increase a player’s speed. After Call of Duty Mobile hit sliding with a surprise nerf, the game’s community started asking for their reasoning.

Sliding is not the only popular tactic in Call of Duty Mobile. Bunny hopping, tactical reloads, and drop-shotting are all useful skills used across the entire Call of Duty franchise. For the developers to nerf sliding specifically made many fans question developer reasoning.

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In the comments to a recent developer update, the Call of Duty Mobile developers clarified their position regarding the sliding nerf. In their explanation, the developers point out that the current build on sliding was not intentional. Rather, the form of sliding that players had become accustomed to was, in itself, a bug that needed to be patched. This is not the only example, as the reduction of speed when ADS is active was also a bug. By nerfing the mechanic, the developers were simply bringing the game closer to its intended playstyle and functionality despite the popularity of the mechanic.

While fans were initially upset at the lack of the well-known sliding mechanic, the developer answer is plausible. Call of Duty Mobile’s development team has long held a transparent nature with frequent question and answer sessions. Fans have grown to trust the team’s decisions, and in return, the developers trust fan feedback.

The sliding mechanic may have been nerfed, but fans can take some solace in the idea that drop-shotting and other strategies are still semi-viable. Call of Duty Mobile’s developers needs to be careful when balancing the needs of their community versus the reputation of Call of Duty. With many competitive players using these age-old tricks, only so many fixes can be done before the community grows frustrated.

It is unknown if other secret nerfs is in effect. Players can only discover changes through trial and error, leaving many fixes completely unnoticed by the community at large. With Call of Duty Mobile in a completely new series of seasons, the game is in the perfect position to continue evolving. As long as the game holds to a Call of Duty spirit, the community is sure to accept most changes to the game as part of its natural progression towards a better future.

Call of Duty Mobile is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Skoar!


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